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  • Artist Info: what is love..? a word to tell when two spirits conect? or a wishful thought that mabye.. just mabye we as people are not alone. <br />
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    Do you beleive in Love? or is it a myth that only exists in stories and fairy tales.. <br />
    This is what i ask, for this is a true thought. would you love less the person who can not love at all? would you condem that person to be alone simply because they do not know how to love? many would say yes.. many more would say no. <br />
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    These Questions i ask are simple.. and yet so complex. for is it possible for someone to love me, when i do not know if i can love again.. of course these are just the silly rambleings of a poetic heart, never to be read beyond an idle glance. i could live a hundred years, forever young, and never meet the person of my heart.. and it seems that such a life is to be mine, but i will live it because it is mine to live. <br />
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    Of Course, this is just My Poetic side that just wont shut up. n_~ no worrys, im only a depressing poet when im.. well.. depressed. lol who would have figured? Any way, if you want to talk just drop a comment or PM me. ^.^
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