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  • Artist Info: I'm a Texan gal, well raised that is. I'm a lady still on the hunt for a man that I can someday love. I know the saying is, good things come to those that wait. I'll wait until the day I die, if I need to. That might sound a little sad, but hey I'm a devoted little lady to my quest for true love. I want it to feel right and not something out of pure lust.<br />
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    Recently had a string a bad things hit this account then got it back and now here to stay. I had my laptop also stolen, but that is being taken care of by insurance company right now. Anyways, I'm a fantasy roleplayer through and through. However, I believe in paragraph roleplay and of the literate variety so none of that one-lining kind. I don't like those and I'm rather hard core in my roleplaying and once I can no longer borrow my room-mate's laptop. I will be truly hardcore in my roleplaying again.<br />
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    Good news everyone I am here to stay 100%! My laptop has been replaced! I'm not going anywhere! ^^ I'm currently running a guild for those adults out there loving the fun of role-play and are avid about it. ^^ It's called Dreams Eternal. If you want to join, feel free to look it up and join. I more than likely will accept ya. Just be away I don't like drama in the guild and wish people to follow the guilds' rules. That's my only wish for the guild because I want to keep it fun.<br />
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    Dreams Eternal is no more after some different issues. Now it is Eclipse of Seasons and Living Dreams that I run. If you wish to join these two wonderful rp guilds. Feel free. ^^ The more the merrier as the saying goes. ^^ I'm always welcoming those that love to rp into guilds of mine long as they keep the peace between each other and keep active.
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