• Kaoru Hitachiin Twin2's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Great Friends<br />
    MisterStickyNote~Haru(twin)<3 big brother is always there. He's funny but sometimes it can get annoying. He's popular and most girls like him but to me he's Magical Unicorn or Magical Snail. He's Mr. Fat Bear or Kuma San.<br />
    He's so weird and he sometimes listens to his music really loud. He's more special to me than anyone else because he's like another me with another personality.
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    Vinyl Gamer1621~Matt/Ringo(bestfriend)<3 The friend I know the best. He's funny and he likes Dr. Pepper and pickles a lot. He's on my side most all the time. He's the best friend I could ever have. He's a Magical Monkey! He likes nature and stuff. He's one of the weirdest person in my life. He's the Vanilla Master and he's a gamer. <br />
    CuppiiexKakes~Kai(very.good.friend.in.real.life)<3 He's always funny. He doesn't really get mad at me but I get really mad at him. Sometimes I regret getting mad at him because he doesn't yell at me like I do. But anyways he's a good friend. He's a cat person I think. He always want to have fun and do cool stuff.<br />
    iiKokoro-chii~Kokoro(very.great.friend)<3 She's a very nice person. I don't really know much about her but she's a really great friend.<br />
    RYUZAKI_deathnote_RYUKIE~Kira(Awesome.Friend)<3 *Magical Dinosaur to the rescue!* She's awesome like most of my friends. What I like about her is that she's not like most girls. She's not all that and stuff. Even though it seems like she has some difficult times life she's happy sometimes.(Well to me) She doesn't judge others that much and that's one of the most important thing I like most about her and maybe something else I don't notice. And she's funny. And I think she like's cake like me. <br />
    I Love All Of My Great Friends
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