• x_Taylor910_x's Gallery
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  • Artist Info:
    ----------- × A L L | A B O U T | M E × -------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Name: Taylor<br />
    -Age: 14 years young heart <br />
    - Single or taken: Single<br />
    - Gender: What do you think? Female heart <br />
    - Birthday: September 10th<br />
    - Sign: I dont know<br />
    - Hair color: Light brown<br />
    - Eye color: Blue<br />
    - Height: Short<br />
    - Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: .. Straight exclaim <br />
    <br />
    ----------- × F A S H I O N | S T U F F × -------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Favorite place to shop for clothes?: Urban planet (:<br />
    - Favorite designer?: Any<br />
    - What is your most comfortable outfit?: Shorts and t-shirt<br />
    - What do you usually wear?: Shorts and cute top heart <br />
    <br />
    -------------- × S P E C I F I C S × ------------------- <br />
    <br />
    - What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pantene<br />
    - What are you listening to right now?: Call me maybe heart <br />
    - Who is the last person that called you?: My grandma Lol<br />
    - How many buddies are online right now?: 2<br />
    <br />
    ------------- × F A V O R I T E S × ----------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Food: Pizza<br />
    - Girls names: Jilian<br />
    - Boys names: Jeydyn<br />
    - Subjects in school: Math<br />
    - Animals: Pets<br />
    <br />
    ---------------- × H A V E | Y O U | E V E R × ------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Given anyone a bath?: Baby cousin<br />
    - Smoked?: NO<br />
    - Bungee jumped?: No<br />
    - Made yourself throw up?: No<br />
    - Skinny dipped?: No<br />
    - Ever been in love?: Maybe..<br />
    - Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: .. Yes<br />
    - Pictured your crush naked?: Eww.. no<br />
    - Lied: Everyone does<br />
    - Fallen for your best friend?: No<br />
    - Rejected someone?: Yes<br />
    - Used someone?: Maybe... ninja <br />
    - Done something you regret?: Yaa..<br />
    <br />
    ------------ × C U R R E N T × -------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Clothes: Blue butterfly shirt and white shorts heart <br />
    - Desktop picture: Hearts<br />
    - CD in player: dont know<br />
    - DVD in player: Juno<br />
    <br />
    ---------------- × L A S T | P E R S O N × ---------------------- <br />
    <br />
    - You touched: My mommy heart <br />
    - Hugged: My mommy (:<br />
    - You IMed: Nicole.(:<br />
    - Talk to online: Nicole(:<br />
    <br />
    --------------- × A R E | Y O U × --------------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Understanding: I guess<br />
    - Open-minded: Yes<br />
    - Arrogant: No?<br />
    - Insecure?: Maybe...<br />
    - Random?: Sometimes<br />
    - Hungry: Little bit<br />
    - Smart: Yes(::<br />
    - Moody: Sometimes<br />
    - Organized: Yes<br />
    - Shy: Little bit<br />
    - Difficult: Depends<br />
    - Bored easily: Yes<br />
    - Obsessed: No<br />
    - Sad: Now? no... <br />
    - Happy: Yes<br />
    - Hyper: Yeaa surprised <br />
    - Trusting: Yess<br />
    <br />
    --------- × W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A × -------- <br />
    <br />
    - Kill?: Np one<br />
    - Slap?: A lot of people<br />
    - Get really wasted with?: My friends..<br />
    - Get high with: Dont want to!<br />
    - Talk to offline: IDK?<br />
    - Talk to online: IDK?<br />
    <br />
    ------------------ × R A N D O M × --------------------- <br />
    <br />
    - In the morning I: Am tired and boredd..<br />
    - Love is: I dunno.. good at times heart <br />
    - I dream about: being rich, and shopping(::<br />
    - What do you notice first in the opposite sex youre into?: How they treat me..<br />
    --------------- × W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R × --------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi<br />
    - Flowers or candy: Candy<br />
    - Tall or short: Tall<br />
    <br />
    --------------- × W H O × --------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Makes you laugh the most: My daddy heart <br />
    - Makes you smile: Friends,family, and that special someone...<br />
    - Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: This guy i like heart <br />
    <br />
    -------------- × D O | Y O U | E V E R × ----------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: No<br />
    - Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No<br />
    - Wish you were younger: No<br />
    - Cry because someone said something to you?: Maybee<br />
    <br />
    ----------- × N U M B E R × -------------- <br />
    <br />
    - Of times I have had my heart broken: Like once..<br />
    - Of CD's I own: Dunno<br />
    - Of scars on my body: Four<br />
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