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  • Artist Info: new account, pm me to find the name, if i like you, you get it.<br />
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    i stood barefoot in the carousel bar of a place i wasnt quite sure was anywhere. i had been drinking heavily for the past few hours and decided now is as good as any other to finally accept that i am, will continue to be, and most certainly will deteriorate further into a sense of inebriation.<br />
    i had come to terms with this, but im not quite sure the other patrons had.<br />
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    oh, the reason why i was barefoot? my shoes wanted new lands or women for their own somewhere between the gutter of fourth and fifth. i decided it was best they found their own way in the world, i would probably slow them down. it was a short discussion, but i think i won the debate.<br />
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    the bar, and its patrons still hadn't come to terms, but i was complaining about something at this point and was on far to much of a flow to let a small thing like other peoples enjoyment stop me<br />
    "young man, let me tell you a story, and a philosophy" the old guy said to me.<br />
    "good literature is like bad wine. after you've had some, you know you've reached bottom. and after you've had some more, you know you can't stop. and finally after all is said and done and read and drank, you know you'll never want to have it again." i laughed, bought him a drink and continued to talk with the old man about everything i knew nothing about.<br />
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    "yes sir, im trying to be a writer, but you know. these things take to much perseverance (i stumbled here), and, and, and stuff, you know?" he seemed to, but i think he mostly wanted another drink.<br />
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    this girl beats the shit out of you all faggots
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