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  • Artist Info: hey whats up? im Chelsea I'm 1 (almost 17)=]<br />
    I live in North Carolina<br />
    I attend Early Collage (you go to school on a collage campus, take high school and collage classes so you graduate with a 2 year degree)<br />
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    I hope to become a vet or a doctor, cant decide.<br />
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    I get on gaia almost everyday.<br />
    If anyone ever needs someone to talk to I'm here, even if i don't know you i'll try to help you out. and if you don't know me, talk to me anyway =D lol<br />
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    Any questions feel free to ask me biggrin Don't be shy<br />
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    something else about me::::<br />
    with in the past year I've learned that some bridges need to be burned in order for you to cross another and be happy, people that say they will always be there will stab you in the back but life goes on. You'll lose someone close and you'll regret not spending more time with them, and you'd give anything to go back in time because growing up isn't as much fun as you thought it was when you were little. <br />
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    I've also came to the conclusion that if you don't like me you can get over it because i'm me and i will be me until the day i die. I'm not changing for anyone and i don't think anyone else should either. You only live once do what makes YOU happy, not what makes the "cool people" notice you....because hey if you are yourself you'll be know as the "cool person" and everyone will want you to notice them.<br />
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    LOL i'm done now.....well see ya'll around Gaia =] take care everyone<3
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