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  • Artist Info: Well I am not too much of a gamer...but when it comes to like the all time classics. Ha! Then you got me hitched. I am a total fan of the Nintendo 64. (I still play it). I love my gamecube as well. I do have a Xbox360 but it is currently broken sooo please do not ask for my username because there is noo point. I play alot of mario kart, The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of time), I LOVE my mario games mostly the classics.You have gotta love the classics. Do not dis! They are what made the now generation of your soo called love for "graphics" and the new to date counsels. So what if the nintendo 64 or gamecube or play station-ps2 is out of date they are still cool in my book. Oh! and Secondly kitties, I am sick and tired of you people arguing with me about "well the nintendo 64 does not have good graphics its soo dumb" -_- Personally Graphics are not important to me. Its about the game. what is good. The personality of the char. The storyline. (especially the storyline kids cannot have a good game without a interesting pulling in sensation of the storyline) No good storyline no good game. Also reviews and advertisement is what urges us to buy the game! You do not know about your so called love for graphics until after you buy the fricken game. Unless your one of the types that goes on Youtube and asks people to review the graphics for you...-_- So...please do not argue with me about old counsels...I really do not care...if you want to continue to argue with me about it then go ahead...I will continue to say the same thing over and over and over AGAIN and AGAIN! <br />
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    Anyway...<br />
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    I love my music! I am a huge fan of rock, classic rock, metal and death metal, and a little bit of techno and rap well if its rucka rucka ali...then its fine. In my opinion Rucka just makes me laugh and things that he says is well kinda funny and is a total joke. but I do not like rap sure I do listen to Rucka but your form of rap is not funny...its very disgraceful soo I am not a fan never have been never will be. I never considered rap to be music and I am not willing to except it now. I have had arguments with friends about Rap Vs. Metal. Metal will always win...because in the versatility between your love for rap fans (not mean to dis you people) buut your love for rape, and sex, and killing fellow members of your race...not to mention the disgracing women as sluts...I do not find to be entertaining to listen to. but what I mean by Metal always wins...well while your listening to edited bubble bass booming kicking up your feet and swaggering to snoop dog or whatever...I will be headbanging to death metal which is about about killing your family and fornicating with their dead corpses goes louder. Deal with it! I do not care if you cannot take it...or if it gives you a headache...what makes me mad is you can sit there and listen to people talking about their dreams and disgracing women or raping them or having sex with them...or how they are making their money. Usually your reply would be "well I do not like how your music talks about killing families" ....well WTF are you listening to is not perfect either...As a women I have rights and should be respected not be trashed by untolerated shit. Metal will win. Metal always has the last word because you just been killed. Your family has been killed and yet that would include you -.- soooo STFU! <br />
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    These are my opinions for the day and this is how it shall stay -_-
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