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  • Artist Info: Hi, my name is Julia. My friends call me Elmo.(lol) I am currently 11 yrs old. I play piano, the violin, and I'm a huge fan of JoNaS bRoThErS!!! <br />
    Please add me if you can! lol.<br />
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    A single rose...<br />
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    Hobos come from a planet called Hobo.26. Hobos are smelly and poor. In 1607, they crashed down to Earth and begin their new lives. They beg for money but people said no and kicker their buttocks. In 1964, there is a war between hobos and normal people.e Their secret weapon is their smelly armpits. But the normal people's secret weapons are toilet people and cleaning utilities. When it ended, no one won. In 2002, scientists studied hobos. Hobos are affected by gravity, dirty chemicals in their armpits, and they smell. Scientists think that all hobos will be normal people in 3003. In 2005, the planet Hobo.26 got blown up by president Bush for no reason. In 2008, hobos now live anywhere like someones car, at a school, at McDonald's, or Gamestop. Some people are nice to hobos like John Stewart or Micheal Jackson, but some are mean to hobos like Jim Allen or Shaq. Hobos now steal, fight, and loot because they are poor. <br />
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    Everyday hobos get smellier every minute. They all decide to take a bath in the city lake. Lots of people ran away from the lakes, but 5 people went to the hospital because they were shocked of how hobos scrub their armpits. When they are done, they put their clothes on and went back to the streets. Lots of people liked how the hobos smell, so they gave them jobs. When hobos get paid, they rent an apartment to live there. When hobos get cooler jobs like being doctors, game designers, manager of a toy company, or anything else, they get lots of money and buy their own house, they become normal people. When they meet hobos, they will teach them how to get rich too. The End<br />
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    ╔═╗Joe Jonas is my:<br />
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    Translation (for justice_freak1o2): Joe Jonas is my superman<br />
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