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  • Artist Info: Hello, I'm Antzumon. Or you can call me Nelyan or Antzu.<br />
    I'm a young adult from Finland, living together with my two cats and my loving hubby-to-be.<br />
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    I'm mostly silent when I'm in Gaia, and I don't talk or comment much, but it doesn't mean I'm shy, actually, when I get excited, I won't stop talking! I have a bad habit to forget stuff like, from time to time, that I have an account here.<br />
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    Ja kun mun antaa puhua suomeksi, saattaa olla, ettei sitä saa ollenkaan enää suunvuoroa. Olen taipuvainen suuriin monologeihin ja olen tosi avoin uusia ihmisiä kohtaan. Kysy pois.<br />
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    I like to getting to know new people, so if you want a friend or want to know me better, PM me.<br />
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    New: I'm actually looking for a penpal:<br />
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