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    Let's update my page just because that sounds funsies.<br />
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    Greetings. razz My name is Brittni but a lot of my friends call me Jazzie or Kitten. Trust me, it will never make sense to you until you understand more about me. Let's see, my favorite color is blue because I love Poseidon (he is of the ocean, for those of you who are not knowledgeable in the ways of Greek mythology) and the ocean and the sky and the color itself. It holds a lot of deep meaning to me but I would rather you ask me about it instead of taking up your reading time by posting it in this here About Me section.<br />
    My favorite animal is a black panther. PANTHER. NOT. LEOPARD. There is a difference. Hmph. I like the black panther because one of my favorite toys to sleep with is a black panther named Zephyrus. You will also learn that I love unique names and that I love to name things uniquely (I had a cat named Amaterasu xD). I also love the black panther because it ties into the book that I am currently writing (sort of, I am procrastinating. Giggles.).<br />
    My favorite sound (yes, some of us odd people have a favorite sound to hear) is the sound of, well, really any big cat but, I looove that specific roar that Sabor makes in "Tarzan" . . that kind of roar is the BEST sound ever. If I could make that sound then all of my dreams would come true.<br />
    Hehe. Babble.<br />
    Here are some more of my favorite things. :3<br />
    My favorite movie is Disney's "Hercules" OR "Tarzan" . . both of them are amazing and no other movie can compare to their awesome. D: Evurr. -snuggles little Pegasus toy- heart <br />
    I love to read, so, I can easily say that I have a favorite book. That book would be "The Titan's Curse" by Rick Riordan. . . AT LEAST UNTIL I GET THIS NEW BOOK ABOUT THE BB MURDER CASES! -squeals- I can't wait!<br />
    I loveeee anime and manga stuff. . my favorite anime show thingie is Death Note (lolololol i've never seen an episode but I am madly in love with the characters) . . and my favorite manga read thingie is Black Cat. Train Heartnet FTW.<br />
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    Here are some things that you should know about me:<br />
    - I cannot stand judgement. I know that we all do it but when I find someone judging someone for something downright ridiculous, I will blow up in a huge cloud of fuzzy rage. It's not pretty. Don't try it.<br />
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    - Please, please, pleaseee don't curse in front of me. I understand that some people find that they have a habit of doing it and, I respect that, but I would like you to respect my wishes and try hard to shut your mouth with those words around me. Please.<br />
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    - Be yourself. Please. I am so sick of people putting on an act and then being totally different someone else. It leaves the wrong impression and it is .. just not good.<br />
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    - I have trust issues. I am a very honest and trustworthy person but soooo many people have abused my trust and it is very hard for me to believe what you say. You need to show me that you're honest because, I will fear that you are not.<br />
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    - I like pie. biggrin <br />
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    - I am madly obsessed with Buddy Holly's song "Dearest". I love it. I want the guy that I marry to use that song somewhere in our relationship. It would be an amazing "our song" thing. smile <br />
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    - I have to see Bullet For My Valentine in concert before it's too late. I. HAVE. TO.<br />
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    - When I am listening to music in the car and I look out the window, I tend to imagine myself dancing on the side of the road. . unless it is like a hardcore screamo or rock song, then I will just close my eyes and imagine a scene that matches the song. I know. I'm weird.<br />
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    - I tend to sing "Heartbeat" by Buddy Holly when I am alone at home.<br />
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    - I am a proud follower of Jesus Christ. You don't have to believe what I believe and I will respect your beliefs. . as long as you respect mine. I screw up, I'm not perfect, I know that Christians get a bad name nowadays but, I am going to continue to try and do the right thing for Him. I've accepted my wrong and I am proud to admit that He has saved me. smile <br />
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    - I love spinning in circles and imagining that I am a ballerina. <br />
    - Sometimes when I drop things, if I have enough room, I will dip over like a ballerina to grab it. razz <br />
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    - Knives scare me to death but I love them and swords.<br />
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    - If I could have one new addition to my body I would have golden eagle wings. Stylish AND convenient for traffic jams. :3<br />
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    - When I love someone, I will give my 110% to them and more. I will love you passionately and be your little ball of sunshine. smile <br />
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    - Sometimes when I am home alone, I will sing Evanescence really, really loud. . and oddly, it sounds good.<br />
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    - I am addicted to coffee. I tried to get addicted to hot tea and it did. not. work.<br />
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    - I got checked for marijuana in seventh grade once because, ironically, the day before the incident of someone smoking it in the bathroom happened, I was at a Linkin Park concert. Let me tell you, folks, they smoke some serious dope at those concerts. o_o<br />
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    - I love snuggling teddy bears. I have a huge, white teddy bear that is about as tall as me (Hahaha.. I am kind of short but still) and I like to wrestle and cuddle it. I giggle too.<br />
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    - I can be a very playful and seductive person. ._.<br />
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