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  • Artist Info: <br />
    Welcome to my profile! blaugh My name's Christy (I don't do much role-playing any more) and I enjoy being with my brother/bff; drawing; working on cars (or just with my hands in general); basketball; and (American) football. I also heart cats, angels, ballroom dancing, Classical/orchestra/lo-fi music, camping (being one with nature), cherry blossoms, and the colors: blue (in all shades), white, black, dark purple, and SOME shades of pink. emotion_rainbow are cool, too. scream And I'm NOT a lesbian! Although, I am an ally. emotion_hug (I'm actually asexual. emotion_yatta ) I also learned recently I'm slightly on the spectrum and my brother is completely on it; as you might have deduced I'm also an ally for autistic individuals. emotion_hug <br />
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    I'm single and 42 years old young! emotion_kirakira I try to dress my avatar the way you would see/find me in real life, if it were possible, but sometimes it's symbolic. (You should be able to tell the difference I would hope. rolleyes )<br />
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    If you want to check out my artwork and/or follow me, you can do both on deviantart. Please tell me you saw me on Gaia or I'll block you.<br />
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    My profile was updated on July 19, 2024.
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