Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: PURPLE!
  • Artist: mvpurple
  • Description: I don't like clutter, i know this is not fully purple but this avi is from my tektek contest and i had a vot, whoever had the most votes wins, this exact avi got second in voting but this person who made it was the only one on my favs that followed rules so that's why i chose to do this avi instead!
  • Date: 03/21/2011
  • Tags: purple
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Comments (2 Comments)
  • ninja-no-ryu - 04/01/2011
  • If I've read that correctly, you're using an avatar that someone else did for a different contest? That's kinda lame.

    It needs more purple near the feet and legs. It's also incredibly simple and not very impressive. It's a good base but I don't think it's winning material. Work on more complex layering and getting your colors to match better.
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