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  • Arenas
  • reversey rainbow!!
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: reversey rainbow!!
  • Artist: sarinea
  • Description: On one very gloomy day, a girl named Sarinea was feeling down because she could not understand why the sky became so angry every so often. She noticed how people react when it storms and she didn't like seeing them sad. And every bad thing in the world has to have something good to balance it out right?(Well that's what she believed, at least).. So she decided to put on her most colorful outfit, with some tasteful fairy wings from last holloween, and right before the storm ended, she sweeps a
  • Date: 04/09/2006
  • Tags: rainboworiginal
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • PrairieGhost - 04/05/2006
  • You totally pwned my own rainbowy avvie... that's
    ok, though, because now I feel more like dressing
    like a faerie princess instead. ^^ 10/10 for
    achieving the effect I was going for, but fell far
    short of.
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