• It was once ago on a fair spring day
    That I would receive a call that would say
    You are deemed worthy to have one of these mutts
    I screamed for joy and on my chair bounced on my butt
    A puppy! A puppy! I was excited as could be
    I never would have known how much she'd come to mean to me

    The time has passed, through summer and fall
    There have been other holidays and Lizzy and I celebrated them all
    She was un hada, a fairy for Halloween
    But she tried to eat the costume, she went from cute puppy to a teen
    She had cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving, she loved it very much
    She got very mad that there was no turkey she was allowed to touch

    She has so many presents coming to her this year
    Everyone that meets her finds her quite dear
    She has had her first snowfall, she jumps around
    She parked at the snowman we made later on the ground
    She has everyone at her fingertips, we do a lot for her
    And it will be an eventful Christmas, everyone can concur

    She isn't going to have wrapped presents, that would not be nice
    Nor will she have her summer treat, a little cube of ice
    She has a stocking that's green and red that I will let her sniff
    Of course she won't stay still for long, she hates being stiff
    She'll get tons of new toys, but my grandfather has told me, she will not understand
    But it's worth it to celebrate the new member of our family and her first Christmas; with all of us together the season will be grand