• A dear dreadful weather came ahead,
    A weather so harsh that seemed to never end.
    Sitting alone around this speck of a fire,
    Sitting and sitting with minutes or seconds passing by
    Thinking that I may miss Christmas this time.
    Time went by, and hunger soon came,
    But the only thing I had was this fire I made.
    Buttered bread, roast chicken, and even a side of vegetables with it.
    I wish I had food, I wish I was at home;
    Illusive and insane, I had to go through that weather of pain.
    Just before I was ready to rush through the snow,
    Jingling sounds can near by to show;
    A bright face to save my life.
    Amazed with joy, I felt saved;
    Friendly smiles were all around me,
    For I was finally at home,
    With enough time, for Christmas time.