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'Bit' 1 ~ Introduction smile 'Bit' 2 ~ Christmas presents and all 'Bit' 3 ~ Current friends 'Bit' 4 ~ Current thoughts 'Bit' 5 ~ Music practice 'Bit' 6 ~ Fruits Basket!
But!!! It actually starts with 'Bit' 0 smile Enjoy my latest entry!!!!

I seem to be questing... sweatdrop
 Total Value: 94,831 Gold [Item Information]
Item List: Green Corallus Egg 2nd gen. Western Zodiac Celestial Wrap Red Velcro Sandals Poinsettia Hairpiece Mythic Hair Inner Fire Kimono
I've got the egg smile AND the hair piece <3 But erm... nothing else! So taking those away I get...85,859 Gold smile Only about 75k to go! And I'm VS inflation too ! sweatdrop
Wish me luck! 3nodding Because I'll need it! sweatdrop
'Bit' 1 ~ Introduction smile
First off - a bit of strange layout isn't it? I like things different, and I like putting effort into my entries! =) So that's that question answered. Secondly, looking back at previous entries, I don't seem to have completed many 'targets' so I'm not setting anymores xd
I'm currently doing quite fine - Christmas was great - and I'm well. Ish. 3nodding
'Bit' 2 ~ Christmas presents and all

Christmas was a great time - but a bit different from last year. This year, my 'Auntie' Janet didn't come - she just went through the first door (not the main house door, but you know..!)), dropped of the presents and left without saying a word. o_O;;
I went round my nan-nan's & grandad's - and so did dad, mum and my brother. My brother wasn't going to go because he was ill - but he quickly recovered.
In the morning of Christmas what do you do?
Sleep? Get up and wake everyone up? Race down stairs and start unwrapping?
With my Mum, Dad and brother, we woke up roughly all at the same time and did the present unwrapping. Then mum cooked us bacon, sausages and beans. ((Egg for dad, but I don't eat whole eggs anymore)) Then after breakfast - dad went to bed I think, and me and Christopher gladly played with our new 'toys'. What did I get you ask? Well my main present was a keyboard biggrin And I also got a DS game. And then also a few bits and bobs like a piano book to help me play.
At roughly 12, we went to my nanna's and grandad's. ((Mum's side)) And had lunch. My nanna is the best cook ever smile And so is my auntie Linda who also helped! There was Turkey, beautiful carrots, any kind of potato you want, and a choice between gluten free gravy or not. ((There was loads of other foods too smile ))
Then there was the crackers - remember the good fun jokes? Oh what joy -
What's big, grey and wears glass slippers?
What disease can you catch from putting up too many Christmas decorations?
Ours were pretty stupid too smile
After the crackers was a bit of 'showin' off time' . Then came the whole family's presents. It was great fun handing them out - then receiving some. One of the coolest presents I got was a pair of see-through drumsticks. But they're not any see-through drumsticks! They flash an amazing bright blue when I hit a drum. It's really cool - I'll have to video it some day! blaugh
After the presents came the usage of presents - the four family kids (including me, those I really am classed as a 'young adult' now!) started playing with their toys. Then, grandad suggested to play 'newmarket' a card game. And I finished playing and joined them. I borrowed 20p from Nanna - the bet was 2p on a Jack/Queen/King/Ace/Horse and 2p in the 'pot'. Winners won by getting all their cards 'out'. But, if you had the Jack/Queen/King/Ace/Horse you'd win the bet on them too. I did very well, and got a smashing profit! I payed Nanna back, and had a lot of pennies. I'll have to use them up next time a card game or amusements come around.
After the card game was Doctor Who - That was brilliant! I love Doctor Who! Personally I thought he looked so hot when there was a close up at his face, and the background was of fire. It was very sad though - which is strange! A sad program on Christmas Day!
After Doctor Who came Dinner/Tea, and then after about an hour and a half we went home.
'Bit' 3 ~ Current friends
I'm doing quite well here smile
'Bit' 4 ~ Current thoughts
I want some Haribo sweets. C'mon Jordan ¬_¬ I want to go on my drums and use my new drumsticks! <3 I think eating pasta would be good right now - but I had it yesterday. Bacon is pink O_O Jam on Toast <3333333333333333333333333333
'Bit' 5 ~ Music practice
I wish to start composing music. I think I'll add more on this as it goes on. First step is to get the printer working and print out some staffs - and then I think I'll go on my keyboard and see what I come up with smile I'll work on this.
'Bit' 6 ~ Fruits Basket!
I LOVE number 5 <3 I like it when the go on vacation. Fruits Basket is a fantastic manga/anime. smile I got the DVD for Christmas from an Auntie - but I left it round my N's & G's, so I'll have to wait a way until I can get it back ;___;
... And that's it smile I hope you enjoyed my journal.
tulin13 · Thu Dec 27, 2007 @ 06:06pm · 1 Comments |