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Insane stories of a McDonald's employee
Just some stuff that's happened in the last few years I've been working. As well as other things
Journey through the Realms
Chapter 33:

Sneaking away for one day was a lot harder then Evelyn thought it would be. But thanks to her magic, she manages to get away long enough to reach Dawnstar. Of course, they were all very surprised when she walked in. She normally doesn't vanish for as long as she has, but she had a good reason. Babette was the first to notice, then the others. Cicero was dancing around as Nazir just shakes his head. "Well this answers a lot. So is it true, did you become the new Empress?" Evelyn nods at this. "For now, things seem to be working out so far. Did you get my letters?" Nazir smiles and nods. "Glad to hear we'll be back in business. Ever since Cicero heard the news he hasn't stopped dancing." The jester pauses, smiles, and goes back to celebrating. "Well I don't blame him, it's been years since we had a foothold like this." She glances down a bit. "However I won't be able to continue my duties as Listener. Not that I'm quitting, but.." She just points to her stomach. "That and it's a lot hard to sneak away.." Nazir just nods at this, understanding well enough. "It'll be up to the Night Mother to find someone else. Until then we can do things the way we used to." They had enough people where they didn't need her as much. But she would still be welcomed. She just wanted to make sure things would be running well enough and she was happy to see they were doing so well. Better in fact since everything had gone down.

She was able to return to Castle Dour before anyone took notice she wasn't there. Being able to teleport made things easier. Not that anyone else needed to know she could do so. When they could, they would explore the castle. The place was a lot larger then she thought it was. They found rooms she had no idea what they were used for. They were also given a one of the larger rooms to stay in. She had never seen this room before, but it was fancy. From the giant bed, to the wardrobe. It even had a nice view of the outside. The place was rather high up. So that meant stairs, so many stairs and she wasn't going to put up with that. It would just be easier to stay in her own home. Sure Proudspire had stairs, but not at this level. It was going to get to a point climbing all of them would become a problem. Plus she was never comfortable with how much they keep giving her. She didn't need them to keep handing over the best of the best. It was a bit strange to her and wonder if this was how they treated Emperor Titus. So at some point she couldn't stay in the Castle. Tullius was against it, at first, but slowly started to understand she just wanted to be in her own home. Not some giant castle that she really didn't want to stay in. Though she promised to see a priest every once in awhile for the sake of her child. Which was doing just fine. One day, they were sitting outside on her porch, enjoying the weather.

For the last couple of days Artemis had been quiet, deep in thought. She turns to him, watching him closely. "You've been quiet." He lets out a low sigh. "I'm...worried." She tilts her head at this. "About what?" He takes a moment, looking at his hands, flexing his fingers before he speaks. "I worry my being partly shade will effect our child." She leans back in her chair, she hadn't considered that. She wouldn't even know what to really look for if it would have an effect. So far she was fine and as far as she knows so is the child. She crosses her legs as she places her hands on the table. "I wouldn't worry to much about it. You only became as one because of your dagger. But.." She rubs the back of her head the more she thinks about it. "This is a strange one to think about. It might have an effect. Worse case the kid lives as long as we do...if not..." She shrugs helplessly. "There's really no way on knowing for sure..." She reaches over to him and holds his hand. "All we can really do is hope it's healthy and try and think of a name." She's horrible when it comes to names. Artemis just looks at her hand. "We can wait to see what we have." It's not like he has anything planed himself. And he'll be fine with whatever she picks. He just tightens his hold slightly. "As long as you are okay." She smiles brightly. "Oh I'm fine....hungry but fine." He just shakes his head slightly.


Months pass, and Evelyn manages to stay in Solitude. The closer she got to her due date, the more she promised she wouldn't go to far. Not that she could since she could hardly see her feet at times. Still it wasn't all bad, Though she wished Artemis would stop panicking every two seconds. He was, for the most part trying his best to keep it together. But she could tell it was hard for him to sit still. She's starting to wonder if he will somehow go through the floor with how much he paces. "Calm down will you, you're making my head spin.." He pauses, he has been keeping track of how much time has past. Her not so much, but it's not something she keeps track of anyways. She was close, she knows that much and he's been on edge ever since. She knows he's nervous, even if he's trying to act otherwise. "It's not like my water is going to break at any second..." He slowly walks over to her. At the moment she was sitting outside her home, relaxing. It's not like she has much else to do at the moment. But he doesn't sit down, he just remains at her side. She lets out a low sigh as she shakes her head. She decides to ignore him as she turns to her stomach. She runs her hands over it slowly. "I've been thinking.." He turns his head slightly. "If it's a boy, I want to name him after my father....my real father..." He rises his brow slightly. "You remember what it is?" "Adrian..." It was one of the few things she was able to remember. "If it's a girl...um..." She shrugs slightly at this. "We'll think of something..."

It was a couple of days later when her water did break and the poor man almost lost his crap. Two days, and a lot of swearing later at him and the poor Priestess, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Which they named after her father, as agreed. But she was fine, and from what they could both see, the baby was normal. But only time will tell. At some point she fell asleep, leaving Artemis alone with his son. It was hard for him to let it sink in. But sitting down with the tiny bundle in his arms made it real. The babe was asleep, his little hands close to his body. He had a tiny patch of dark hair on his head. He looks up slowly at his sleeping lover before looking back down. "You'll have a better life then mine...I won't allow a soul to lay their hands on you...." He takes a moment to calm, trying to not let his anger overwhelm him. It's still there, like a storm waiting to break. "I can't promise the world, but you'll want for nothing. You wont go hungry, or sleep on the floor...." He lowers his head slightly. "I won't go anywhere.....I won't have you growing up not knowing where you came from. Wondering if anyone in this world cared.." He lets out a low chuckle. "Knowing your mother, she'll just use her Thu'um on anything that would try to harm you..." The boy starts to fuss a bit and he moves a bit, till the boy calms again. Seems he was fine where he was. "This feels like a dream..." A strange one, but it still doesn't feel real. In time, he just needed time.

Evelyn jolts awake, wincing slightly. "Ow..." Artemis looks up at this. "Are you alright?" She slowly sits up. "Aye, just pushed a kid out, I'll be fine..." He shakes his head at her biting remark. Her being moody wasn't anything new and he was rather used to it. Not that it's her fault, but it sure made thing interesting. "How is he?" She turns her gaze to him. "Sleeping...I'm sure he's as tired as you are." She smirks at this. "Oh I'm sure, at least I won't have anything kicking my bladder every two seconds..." She places her hand on her stomach. She was already getting used to not having something moving inside of her constantly. "What time is it anyways?" He glances up, looking out a nearby window. "I believe the sun is rising..." "Damn, I had no idea...feels longer." She holds out her arms and he slowly gets up, laying the boy in her arms. She smiles warmly as she looks down at her sleeping child. "We're leaving out the whole hey, mom was a dragon once..." Artemis rolls his eyes at her. "Hey at least this time if I get that weird fever we know what it is..." She just hopes that doesn't happen again. She really doesn't think she could handle two kids. One with her blood was enough for her to handle. "I'll just..." Artemis blinks, it's not like he can lock her in a room. She can just break said door if she wanted. "We'll cross that bridge later..." With any luck it wouldn't happen again any time soon. Her body would need time to heal after all.

"I've been thinking...I want him to have your last name." Artemis turns at this as he gives it some thought. he never really considered passing it on. It's not like it means much to him since he can't recall where the name even came from. "Adrian Entreri..." He knits his brows the longer he thinks about it. "We don't have to.." She wasn't sure if she hit a nerve but he shakes his head after a minute. "I never considered it, but...I'm not against the idea..." He turns away and she tilts her head at him. It takes a week or so to heal enough to travel again. She's looking forward to it because she misses going places. She's not used to staying in one spot for as long as she has. The first place she heads for is Whiterun. Of course she takes the wagon given to her. She doesn't want to, but riding horse back with a baby wouldn't be the greatest idea. They reach Whiterun a day and a half later as she makes her way to Jorrvaskr. Of course, the first one to hold him was Tilma. "Oh it's been so long since we had a little one in these halls." Farkas was next, of course, though it takes him a minute to figure out how to hold the poor thing. "He's so tiny..." Her eyes narrow slightly. "Says you." Farkas just smiles warmly as the others slowly gather. Aela was next as she smiles. "What did you name him?" "I named him after my father...my real father. We named him Adrian Entreri." Aela glances up and nods. "A good name." Artemis just hangs off to the side, knowing his son was in good hands after all. He feels a hand on his shoulder and he sees Drizzt standing at his side. "How's it feel to be a father?" Artemis watches Evelyn, surrounded by her friends. "Strange..."

Drizzt could only guess how this was effecting the assassin. The change he's gone through is remarkable. It wouldn't be easy for him to adjust to this new life he's found himself in. "What will you tell him when he gets older?" "Whatever he wishes to know...I have nothing to hide.." Artemis crosses his arms as he looks at the elf. "Though I will be making sure Jarlaxle stays far from him." Having Jarlaxle really is the last thing he wants near him or his child. Drizzt lets out a low chuckle. "I don't blame you, Jarlaxle has a strange way of getting under your skin." "And making your life a living hell by getting you into spots you'd rather not find yourself in...." A few minutes pass as Evelyn walks up to them. "Having a chat?" Artemis shrugs and blinks. "Where's Adrian?" She points over her shoulder to Fralia who was now holding the boy. "I hate to say it, but I don't think we'll be getting him back anytime soon." So far it was a tie between the two older women wanting to fuss over the baby. As long as he wasn't quiet she was fine with it. Not like they didn't know how to handle a child after all. "Will you teach the boy to fight?" Drizzt looks up at her. "If he wants...though I wonder if he'll pick up magic. I don't want him to learn the hard way like I did..." She still feels bad for setting a few things on fire. "But we'll have to wait till he's older before we know for sure." She turns to Artemis and smiles wide. "I just hope he doesn't take after his father to much. Last thing I need is two grumpy people to deal with." He huffs at this, but she just giggles softly.

After a while the boy starts to cry and she turns her head. "Ahh I believe I'm being called." She bows her head and wonders off to take the poor thing. No doubt he was hungry so she heads downstairs. Artemis just watches before turning his eyes to Drizzt. "I'll be the first to admit i have no clue what I'm doing." He lets out a low sigh. "But here I am...on a path I never thought I would find myself on." Drizzt places his hand on him. It's hard to believe he would actually try and comfort the man given their history. "All you can do is try. No one expects you to be perfect." Artemis just shuffles a bit and soon he too follows after Evelyn. He's really not used to all of this as Drizzt chuckles. "I do hope everything is well." Drizzt turns to Vilkas, it was clear he was a bit concerned. Drizzt wasn't blind that the Nord cared for her deeply. But she simply didn't feel the same. He tried to play it off, Drizzt knew better. "They're fine, Artemis is understandable new to this. His life was not an easy one. Imagine finding someone that cares for you when no one as done so before." Vilkas goes silent at this and slowly walks away. Drizzt lets out a low sigh as she shakes his head slightly. He would get over it in time, hopefully. Meanwhile downstairs Evelyn heads for her room for some privacy. Really didn't take long to calm the boy as his eyes slowly open to her.

They were a deep shade of blue. No doubt a mix of her own eyes and his fathers. But only time would tell if they would remain that way. She smiles down as him as Artemis walks in. "I take it he's fine?" "Aye, don't think he's used to all the fuss, but at least he's in good hands." Artemis walks over slowly, looking at his son. He was never going to get used to that he felt. After a minute or so he holds out his own arms. She gladly hands over the small bundle as Artemis holds the boy close. Adrian takes a moment to get settled before letting a small yawn. His grip tightens ever so slightly as he closes his eyes. He takes a slow deep breath before looking at Evelyn. "I never pictured having a family. Hell when I left Jarlaxle I had no plans set for myself. I just ended up in Baldur's Gate. Spent a good five years there before something told me to return home..." He shakes his head slowly. "I have no regrets...but I feel...." He wasn't sure how to word it as she walks over and pulls him close. She leans down and kisses the top of his head. "I know, but if it counts, you're doing just fine." He leans his head back slightly before looking at his son. He's killed so many people, what does he know on raising a child? Then again her hands are far from clean as well. "Well we can't say he won't be looked after.." She lets out a soft laugh. "No kidding, we ever need a day off and we have a meadhall full of sitters.." She turns him slightly as she places her hand under his chin. "You doubt yourself to much. Not that I don't blame you, but you're already proving to be a wonderful father to him. Just have more faith in yourself." Artemis steals his gaze, and nods. It's all he can do.

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