Little Zak strapped Pandemon's bed to a dolly and wheeled her aboard a small sailboat set for South America. As they reached the South American coastline, Pandemon began twitching.

"Take me to Tenochtitlan, my son," She hissed.

"Okay," said Zak, and so he wheeled his father into the Aztec capital. Upon arrival, many native people gasped in horror and immediately fell to their knees.

"Untie me here, son." Whispered Pandemon.

"But-but-what'll you do?" Zak whimpered, but sighed and unstrapped his father's right hand when her deathly gaze fell upon him. Pandemon lifted her hat, revealing a zipper stretching between her two horns. She unzipped it, and all hell broke loose as an enormous feathered serpent flew from her gaping head.

"IT IS BECAUSE OF YOUR LACK OF BLOOD SACRIFICE THAT I HAVE BECOME SO WEAK," Dragemon screeched horribly, "ONLY THE DESTRUCTION OF YOUR BONES AND THE SPILLING OF YOUR BLOOD MAY ABATE MY ANGER AND SATE MY BODY." And so she flew around, crushing people, breathing fire onto them, and eye-lasering them as they ran in a massive orgy of panic, trying to save their loved ones in sad futility.

"Son," said Lettuce, suddenly appearing behind the confused and distraught Zak, "You're grounded."

"Mommy, is daddy actually Quetzalcoatl?" Zak asked.

"Yes she is, son, although we send that dinosaur with feathers here whenever she becomes ill to convince them to make more blood sacrifices in her name, which gives her strength without murdering millions of people and destroying entire highly advanced civilizations," said Lettuce. They watched as Dragemon finished her onslaught by tearing three people apart with one feather, and then flew back into her head.

"I feel much better now. Wheel me home," she said, zipping her head back up and putting her hat back on.

"Once she finishes beating all those spies, she's going to give YOU quite a walloping too, son!" Said Lettuce.

"Ah, shucks!" said Zak, remembering his last beating when his father ripped his a** wide open. Lettuce, his new buttbuddy Rinita, and Pandemon all laughed at Zak's pathetic situation as they all sailed home into the sunset.