Yesterday I had minor heatstroke when I zombie ran/scootered in a parade, and as soon as I got home, hydrated, and all my greasy paint off I went straight to bed out of pure exhaustion. After some typical insomniac struggle, I finally dozed off.

In the dream to follow, I had an out of body experience where I was looking down at myself from the foot of my bed. Suddenly a phantom woman appeared huge and sapphire blue just to the right of my view point. She seemed to change from horrifyingly ugly and old to beautiful and young, and her body seemed to meld into her dark blue cape. As she floated there with a sound like wind whistling through a mountain, I felt a panic within my gut so displaced from my vantage point that its power and strange distance seemed to alarm the wraith. She opened her fleshy skeletal arms and from her cape an ice blue mist frothed out and surrounded my bed. My panic deepened, and suddenly I was back in my body. My body was shaking uncontrollably, and I knew I was dreaming and willed and fought as hard as I could to wake up. It didn't work though, and my vision was blurred with speed and all I could make out was purple color. My body felt numb as it shook and twisted and turned, and I struggled to reach out and touch something. I could distantly feel my arm slowly reach out and I could just barely feel my fingers slide against my freezing cold wall. Eventually the shaking and convulsing stopped, and I was left fully feeling but paralyzed in my bed, face down in the pillows. Suddenly my body involuntarily flipped itself over into side laying position facing my window wall, and my room was dark but glowing ice blue in places. The phantom woman was staring down at me, and I knew she was possessing me. The details get blurry from there, but I remember her making my room much larger and having many different people my age, all beautiful, appear and talk to me. I was terrified and euphoric at the same time, and I remember she made me do scary and good things, none of which I remember but a few scarce images and the the feelings. I also remember she repossessed me several more times after, and each time was more or less the same as the first... Knowing I am dreaming and trying to wake up, the numbness, the trying to reach out and touch something real.
I don't remember much else, but when I woke up I was terrified to go back to sleep for fear of seeing and being possessed by the wraith woman again, but I was also very calm and happy and wanted to go back to the happy dreamworld.

My second dream came at night after an exhaustive struggle to go back to sleep... I remember almost nothing of this dream except the last bits. Milan told me and a few of our friends about her inability to find fortune and luck, and so we all decided to give her gifts. Someone gave her gold, someone else gave her jewels, and someone else gave her stacks and stacks of paper money. I cut out my tongue with a lovely knife and handed it to her. She stood there with my tongue in her hand and told me that the ocean is the world's blood and the jellyfish are the antibodies. They keep growing bigger and bigger and there are more and more of them because the world is sick and trying to rid the world of people.
I think the last part of this dream was because of Nystrom's lecture the other day about the Gaia theory (the world is itself a living and evolving organism).