Once upon a time there was a girl named Rolf who lived on a rock in the middle of the desert. One day she decided she really wanted to drink water sometime instead of cactus juice, and so she scoured the desert and flea markets in the area for a bottle of water. She found no such thing, though, because the desert was so hot that the entire bottle would evaporate as soon as it was placed in the sun, and so she did the next best thing and bought a pop-up book with a picture of a bottle of water on the front. Rolf was less than satisfied with her purchase, however, but as she continued her read she eventually found an excerpt about genies in lamps granting whatever a person desired. Rolf was very excited to read about genies, and discovered they were most often bought from seedy merchants or found in caves in the desert. She looked under rocks but found no caves, and asked the seediest of seedy merchants at the flea market but found none with any genie lamps in stock. Rolf was very dismayed at this find, but as she turned to leave for her rock, she saw a lady in blue with a big helmet rocketing across the desert on a mini-bike. She was heading south-east, and Rolf, being the curious girl she is, ran out in front of the mini-bike in an attempt to stop it to find out where the lady was going. The lady tried to brake, but she wasn't fast enough to stop it completely and Rolf was run right over.
"Oh gosh! I'm sorry!" Said the blue lady, turning around to face Rolf.
"I'm okay," Rolf said, brushing at the skid marks covering her abdomen as stood up, "But I was wondering where you are riding off to!"
"I'm going to Puerto Rico to cause mischief!" Said the lady with pride in her voice. Rolf then remembered Purto Rico is surrounded by ocean, and ocean is made of water, and that her original quest was to find water to drink. "Could I go with you to Puerto Rico? You could make it up to me for running me over!" She asked.
"Sure!" Said the blue lady, patting the handle bars of the bike. Rolf climbed on and the lady kicked the tiny scooter back to life and they began speeding towards Puerto Rico at over 400 miles per hour.