So after a game of intense Uno in the TV room, Jasmine asks to use my overheated laptop which I tell her needs a break from people constantly using it, and after I refuse her she turns to Ruby asking her to use my mom's (Ruby, meanwhile, is checking her e-mail). Ruby says she can have it in a few minutes. Jasmine then starts demanding to use mine, but I continue to say no, and Ruby repeats that she can have my mom's laptop in a few minutes. Maya, meanwhile, is asking her just to go back to their room and not play again for the night. Jasmine then asks again to use mine, insisting on playing Tetris (no ******** joke. She plays Tetris for hours and hours), which I again say no to, and then asks Ruby again, and for the third time Ruby says in a few minutes. Then Jasmine starts screaming that if she can't have a computer she'll just go to bed since she'll have nothing else to do. Turns out from Ruby that she ran straight into the closet and started crying and screaming. Ruby went in to talk to them, but Jasmine wouldn't listen to her. Sometime later Maya calms her down enough that she comes out of their room, walks back into the TV room, and asks again for my laptop. I tell her no since it's too late at night and I think she should give herself a break from the computer. She starts screaming again and runs back into the closet. Ruby goes in to talk to them again, but Jasmine won't listen to her again and Maya begins crying. I went to bed early with my laptop locked in my room, with the knowledge that Maya was begging us to just give Jasmine my mom's laptop.

My dad didn't even believe me until Max and Ruby came down and told him about it. My mom believed me and told me how much she already hates the kid for all the other s**t she's pulled during this trip.

Apparently my mom actually gave her the laptop at 11 last night.

The night before she apparently fell asleep playing Tetris on it around 4 am.

What the ********.