I'm not sure whether I would want the author to write another one or not. She did leave off in a place where she could, but at the same time she could just leave it as a trilogy. I kind of want to know if Neela died or not. b***h. Also, I was kind of confused about Felicity's debut. I thought Lady Markham was only going to host her if she married her son, but she didn't, and she was debuted anyway without explanation. Also, the whole Kartik-in-tree thing was kind of weird. I'm not sure that I grasped the full meaning of all that. Did Eugenia make the tree evil? Does the tree still have power?

I'll go have a discussion with my friends who have read it, methinks. It was a great story in all... Romantic, fantastic, adventurous, macabre, and it makes you think about the world around you and exploring everything about yourself, and makes you realize you can't change the true nature of others, no matter how much you wish it nor how much you try to force them. They must change themselves or no change may occur.