Murder: The most intense crime of passion!!! >:[

I was just in a card chat room with two other people. They were telling each other (in chatspeak) how much they loved each other, how they were touching, kissing, and holding each other, all that shat in a hat. It made me sick. Internet chatspeak roleplay: The most sincere kind of love 4laugh

I dunno if it's just me being the cynical, cruel, sarcastic, puppy-kicking, box-of-kittens-flipping-off-ing person I am, but it did, truly, make me feel sick. And I laughed at them. Despite the feeling of having salmonella they gave me, I laughed and laughed at them. Oh, and the girl kept acting like something was wrong, and the guy kept reassuring her and putting on the moves, which she would consistently go along with and then act all moody again. Classic. Just now, he asked her what color panties she has on. Yes, I'm playing as I'm typing this. She responds blue and black, and he asks if he can eat them off her. Alright. I'm out of here.

In other news, I get my cinna-ON at the cinna-BON. Today I went to the library and got a copy of Nostradamus's prophecies. You know. To see if there was anything in it about me unleashing a horde of horrible, mutant, crocodile-bees on Manhattan.

So far it's a no.

Also, I realized last night the voice of my mind is no longer the monotone lady it used to be. No, now it's a Russian man. Comrade. Where the change came from, I have no idea.