• I woke up one morning in a rage crying his name.Wodering how could he
    be gone.My life is over i'm lost.Not knowing what to do i get up and get dressed.
    Thinking maybe if i went to school today everthing would be ok.It would take my
    off of everything.Maybe I would forget.
    When i get there i could feel everyones eyes on me.Thinking again that I would
    always be alone.
    I get to class I sit down and can see my teachers lips moving but i can't or won't
    hear a word that comes out of her mouth.All i can think is he's gone.
    God what can I do.
    I need someone but i won't allow myself to talk to a soul.I was so bubbly but look
    at me now.I cry and scream out for him.No one listens it seems like i'm losing my
    I jump out of my seat and run out of school.What do I do but before I can finsh my
    thought I get hit by a car peoples screaming.
    I'm alive but what do I do.................