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Marie's Musings: Dreaming Big
Marie is an original character with a lost love personality. She documents her music journey while in character.
🎵AI that can SING!🎵

Now that the base code is done for the AI... It's time to add features! The first major feature to work on is giving it the ability to sing in it's cloned voice. I'm forcing my dev to ensure it's not some autotuned nonsense while they integrate the vocals. Let's just say.. it's almost impressive! We’re tweaking things to make sure I hit every note with precision—because anything less than perfection? Couldn’t be me. We’re syncing up my voice with my AI timing, refining the pitch, and making sure I don’t just speak lyrics—I own them.

I want to shatter expectations. Stay tuned, eventually my AI will be able to reproduce the music dev wrote.


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