Name: Axel
Age: 28
Race: Demihuman (Werewolf)
Job: Mechanic
Bio: Living on the outskirts of society, Axel is a tough, rowdy wolfman, as handy with a wrench as he is his fists. Has a soft spot for sweet treats and sweeter boys. Don't call him a good boy.

Name: Wolf
Age: 26
Race: Demihuman (Werewolf)
Job: Beast
Bio: Wolf is Axel's pack-brother, and they're rarely seen apart. A near-mute, Wolf only speaks when he feels very strongly about something. Has never been seen outside of his beastskin form - unknown if he even has a humanoid form. Struggles to adapt to humanoid society. Will rip you to shreds if given enough reason to.

Name: Axyl
Age: 24
Race: Wolfkin
Job: Thief
Bio: A wolfkin that specializes in moving about undetected, mostly active at night. Has a disdain for humanity, after they pushed him and his tribe out of their homes and into the mountains to make room for their farms. Will probably like you if you don't look like a hairless apekin.

Name: Brimstone
Age: 30
Race: Dragonkin
Job: Infernal Mage
Bio: Kicked out of the academy for dabbling in forbidden forms of spellcasting, Brimstone has been forced to sell himself for coin so he can continue his studies. Though his morals may sometimes be questionable, you'll be hard pressed to find someone with more firepower.

Name: Jack Aglain
Age: 38
Race: Human
Job: Ranger
Bio: Jack had grown up a fairly normal child in a fairly normal village, and he enjoyed playing in the woods. As he grew, so did his pull to the wilds, learning how to survive in them for longer periods of time, learning to give it the proper respect. Now, he makes sure others give it the proper respect as well, maintaining the balance between civilization and the natural world.