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Chelsey's Random Musings
This will be a place for my random thoughts - and reminders to myself. [If you happen to read my journal, feel free to leave comments.]
The Caellum, Anoki and Deimos In-Thread RP
Figured this would be easier to show people than having it spread out across many, many pages. XD
Caellum is by Corsair Vitari
Deimos by Chrystali
Anoki by me, Loki Saimar

Anoki: *appears mysteriously in the thread and blinks at everyone before giggling*

Caellum: *snorts and lights up a cigarette, staring at the odd pink... Thing.*

Mew: *floats closer to the mysterious person with the mysterious stick that is on fire in their mouth*

Caellum: *stares at the odd pink thing moved closer.* ...What?

Anoki: *moves near to the mysterious person's face but JUST out of arm's reach and stares, blinking his large eyes at him before giggling* Hello!

Caellum: *blinks slowly, taking a drag and looking suspicious.* ...Um... Hi?

Anoki: *blinks again, confused by the stick in the person's mouth but pleased to get a response of some kind and so smiles brightly* Hello!

Caellum: *blinks slowly at that, eye crossing in annoyance.* ...right, then.

Anoki: *slowly rotates in the air until he's floating upside down by the mysterious one* I'm Anoki! *peers at the one before him curiously as he floats himself back upright* What's your name?

Caellum: *stares at Anoki, his eye twitching.* ...Caellum. *takes another long drag; he was gonna need it.*

Deimos: *NOT HAPPY* ...how are those cigarettes? *eyes Caellum wearily, completely missing the floating ball of pink just then*

Anoki: *tries another tactic as Caellum does not seem to like him and blinks a couple of times before tilting his head to one side* Are you...angry? *turns his head slightly to greet the newcomer by blinking and giggling just a little into his sleeves*

Caellum: Not angry... *blinks then, slowly turning his head to stare at Deimos.* ...Fine, thanks. Want one, scaley?

Deimos: Su-- *feels like he's being watched* ...nnnno, I think I'll pass. *squints around for the Raging Kitten, just to be safe, glancing back to Caellum - and finally seeing the Mew* What's that, a toy-- *realizes it's real, and pink, and small, and a Legendary* ...%&$#@?! *takes a few dancing steps backwards, staring with wide half-blind eyes*

Anoki: *frowns slightly as he floats a little closer to Caellum* Are you...unhappy? *turns his head to glance at the one who dances a few steps backward after looking at him and smiles brightly before floating nearer* Hello!

Caellum: ...Right. *watches him move away, looking bewildered before glancing back at the Mew.* ...No... *stares at it before breaking into a grin, glancing at Deimos.* Are you scared of this? Seriously?

Deimos: Scared? Do you even know what that is? *stares at it for a long moment before looking at Caellum with scrutiny* You're some kind of fly paper for freaks, you know that?

Anoki: *doesn't get why Caellum seems so unhappy and oblivious as to why the newcomer was surprised by his appearance but is mildly displeased at being ignored while the tall people talk and so floats between them and grins broadly* Hello!

Caellum: *slowly looks back to Anoki, tilting his head before shrugging and looking back to Deimos.* Mew. Psychic. Legendary... But it's also a flying ball of androgyny. *rolls his eyes.* And yes, I am. Certainly explains why you're here. *blinks at mew, slowly tilting his head.* You're a needy thing, aren't you?

Deimos: I never discounted myself. *replies, unruffled, though Anoki moving causes him to inch back a bit more* ...psychic types. *looks more than displeased*

Anoki: *peers curiously at the squirtle who calls him needy* You're...not very nice. *pouts just a little at the thought of being called needy before floating closer to the ever retreating newcomer* I'm Anoki! Nice to meet you! *smiles pleasantly again oblivious to the fact there's probably a reason the newcomer doesn't want to be close to him*

Deimos: *utters a short sound that could almost be a hiss, taking two great strides backwards and flapping his wings to carry him upwards, tail arching out behind him as he lands neatly on the lowest branch of a tree* ...charmed.

Caellum: *snorts at Deimos.* Whatever. *stares at the mew before snorting, taking another drag of his cigarette.* Whatever. Go bug him then. He seems to love your company.

Anoki: *hovers in between the two people he has just met and is obviously confused at the newcomer's reaction to him so returns to the first one* He doesn't like me, does he? *floats a little lower to the ground, clearly sad at this development as he only meant to make friends*

Caellum: *blinks at Anoki, hesitating for a moment before speaking.* I think he's scared of what you are. I mean... Your kind are pretty rare and special.

Anoki: *frowns a little as he processes what Caellum has told him* So...rare and special means..scary? *taps at his chin lightly as he ponders this before grinning and floating back over to where the charizard has flapped to before levitating to his level and making the scariest face he can muster by scrunching his face up and pulling at his lips with his fingers while growling* Scary?

Caellum: *blinks at the mew, watching him float away before suddenly snorting and bursting into laughter, dropping his cigarette and stepping on it before wandering over to the tree Deimos was in.* Man, Mr. oversized gecko, he showed you.

Deimos: *so busy staring at Nyx that he misses the Mew floating up to his height, and thus, when he turns to look again, he meets the Legendary face to face; he curses and immediately tries to step back - into thin air, wings flapping rapidly as he falls out of the tree, barely managing to spin himself around and land in a kneeling position, staring upwards with anger* What the hell is wrong with you?! *he growls with some smoke curling out of the corners of his mouth, glancing back to Caellum* Teach your child some discipline, will you?!

Anoki: *pouts as he floats back down to the Charizard's level before pointing towards Caellum* He said I was scary. *points back to self with eyes wide* Am I? *makes the same face again to see if he's still scary with it*

Deimos: *curls his lip, but the more the Mew talks, the less...well, high and mighty it seems* ...you're a floating pink child that grins a lot, yes, you're terrifying. *he snaps in a grumpy manner, getting to his feet and brushing himself off as if he hadn't just fallen out of a damn tree*

Caellum: *watches the exchange before scowling; he was an a*****e, but he wouldn't pick on a kid like that. That was just unnecessary.* Hey, dickwad, be ******** nice. *snorts, looking back to the mew before smirking.* Yead, you're pretty scary, Anoki.

Anoki: *tilts head a little as the charizard speaks and floats closer to the ground, though not quite touching it and struggles not to grin or smile in amusement* Better? *blinks once more, realizing he still doesn't know the person's name* My name is Anoki! *floats back upward and grins at Caellum* Only if I make faces am I scary, or all the time?

Deimos: *glances to Caellum but ignores him otherwise, his tail lashing side to side in agitation* You already said your name, kid. *comments dryly, either being stubborn or painfully oblivious that the child wanted his name in turn*

Anoki: *is amused as the other's tail lashes and so makes his own twitch similarly before floating even closer to the charizard and peering at him curiously with his bright blue eyes as wide as they can go* But you didn't say your name!

Caellum: *grins at Anoki* Apparently all the time to him... But I think only when you make scary faces. *looks back to Deimos, scowling.* Hey, Charitard. Give him your name.

Anoki: *giggles at Caellum* I will practice my scary face, then! Be scary more often! *grins a little*

Deimos: *moves his head back but doesn't take any steps away this time, practically cross-eyed at the psychic-type's proximity* You didn't ask. *he states simply* 'round here, you don't offer an answer to a question that isn't asked, kid. It'll get you hit. *glares a little over Anoki's shoulder at Caellum, but still does not speak to him, either by virtue of what he just said or a lack of anything nice to say in front of the child*

Anoki: *pouts at the no longer fun charizard and crosses his arms* I wouldn't hit you though.

Caellum: *smiles at Anoki.* That's right. *glares at Deimos.* Continue to be a d**k to the kid. See what happens. You're being retarded.

Deimos: You're his friend, I don't believe that for one second. *he replies crassly to Anoki, casting another nasty look at the Squirtle* Look I don't have time to deal with your pissant of a friend over there, go play with him. *rustles his wings and immediately bounds into the sky, looping up high and to the top of the school building*

Anoki: *twists in the air to float parallel to the ground so he can look at Caellum better and smiles* Yay! *is clearly pleased to have, in his mind, made a new friend but his look quickly turns sour when the newcomer leaves* Should I follow...? *eyes water up as he looks at the angry person who left without giving his name*

Anoki: *looks sullenly to where he saw the Charizard fly to before sadly floating off to sulk*


Anoki: *floats nearby excitedly with his armful of flowers*

Deimos: *brooding on one of the flat rocks by the waterfall*

Anoki: *spies the Charizard and immediately floats his way while holding the flowers out as far from his body as he can and trying to hide behind them so he doesn't upset the tall person*

Deimos: *spots the floating flowers out of the corner of his eye, doing a quick double-take, very nearly ready to burn the things until he spots the pink tail swaying* ...acht. *slowly pulls himself to his feet, facing the floating floral arrangement and waiting with crossed arms*

Caellum: *watches over the top of his book, waiting to hydro pump Deimos if he's a jerk.*

Anoki: *peers over the top of the flowers while still trying to keep himself balled up behind them, completely unaware that it was only his tail that kept him from being charbroiled* For you? Sorry? *pulls his face back down behind the flowers while trying to push them a little further away from him with his small arms while oblivious to the squirtle protector watching the situation*

Deimos: No...wait. *sighs, looking slightly strained* Look, I'm... *winces* ...sorry? No, no, that's--I am sorry. *he corrects himself, uncrossing his arms and holding his hands out as if trying to pinpoint the correct inflection* So, uh...no...need to apologize to me. I was in the wrong. *stares at the flowers with an expression of minute confusion before carefully taking them from the Legendary* ... *plucks one out of the arrangement and hands the single flower back to Anoki* ...thanks. And sorry.

Caellum: *watches the exchange, eyebrows lifting in surprise, his tail swishing behind him before he slowly looked back down to his book, drawing out his cigarettes and lighting one as he read.*

Anoki: *curiously peeks over the top of the flowers as the charizard starts to talk and cautiously unrolls from his ball as the person moves to accept the flowers before smiling brightly as one is handed back to him* Sorry! Thank you! *happily accepts the one back and sniffs it before eying the charizard's hair* I'm Anoki!

Deimos: That's the thir-- *again looks pained, grimacing as he looks at the happy ball of pink, tail swishing back and forth in light agitation* ...Deimos.

Anoki: *giggles a little at the looks that cross the face of the person before him before he hears the name and tests it out on his own, though very softly with a look of minute concentration* ...Deimos... *brightens up immediately and holds out the flower* Deimos! Pretty! *eyes the man's hair again* Maybe...put one in your hair? It would look nice! *puts his flower in his own hair to show how it could look*

Caellum: *stifles a snicker, changing it into a cough as he listens, still perched on his rock and apparently reading still.*

Deimos: *his expression falls a bit* Uh, sorry kid, I'm not...one for looking...pretty. *tries to be delicate about it* But if you want to put some in your hair, knock yourself out. *holds out the flowers so Anoki can have his pick, pointedly ignoring the water-type*

Anoki: *peers at Deimos in confusion* You're already pretty. *twists in the air at the sound of the cough and lights up as Deimos offers the flowers for him to pick from and grabs one before grinning at the Charizard* I will be right back! *floats over to Caellum and offers up the flower* Pretty?

Deimos: Thanks? *definitely doesn't know if that's the proper social protocol, blinking as the Mew flies off - and now taking his turn to smirk discretely, watching*

Caellum: *lifts his head when he is spoken to, blinking at the flowers before offering the Mew a small smile.* Very pretty.

Anoki: *simply nods at Deimos' thanks quite determined on Caellum at that moment and holds them up before the Squirtle as he agrees they're pretty and eyes the man's hair and gesturing to the one in his hair* Want one like this?

Deimos: *has the most amused look on his face, snickering under his breath; spreading his wings, he leaps into the air and banks off towards the school*

Anoki: *giggles happily when Caellum leans forward and offers his hair before carefully intertwining the stems into Caellum's short hair and failing, so instead makes an attempt at a flower crown of his own design before setting it delicately atop the Squirrtle's head* There! Pretty! *smiles happily but glances back to see the Charizard gone and frowns slightly as he floats just a little lower to the ground*

Caellum: *lets Anoki fuss with his hair, still reading.* Thank you. *looks up at him, frowning before following his gaze and sighing.* Ignore him. He's a jerk.

Anoki: *grins happily* You're welcome! *sinks just a little lower when told to ignore the person he thought was turning into a friend and his bright blue eyes narrow just a little* I don't think he's a jerk... *sighs a little before raising himself to peer at the book Caellum is reading not really able to read it upside down, but trying to pretend he is anyway*

Caellum: *blinks slowly at that, feeling a pang of annoyance, thus deciding not to answer, looking back to his book and continuing to read.*

Anoki: *peers just a little closer over the top of the book, intrigued at what is so interesting as his hands come up to lightly touch the top of the book and tilt it more towards him* What're you reading?

Caellum: *blinks as his book his moved, looking up at Anoki*...Sociology.

Anoki: *glances down at the words on the book then back up at Caellum, clearly confused* Soci...ology...?

Caellum: Yes... It's the study of people and how they act. *arches a brow at him.* You'll learn when you get older.

Anoki: *tilts his head slightly before his eyes go wide as he realizes what that could mean and points to himself* People like me? *glances back down at the book at the thought he'll learn about it when he's older but not wanting to wait* What does it say about people like me and how I act?

Caellum: Just people in general. *offers a small smile.* It doesn't have anything on people like you, I'm sure.

Anoki: *tilts his head again as he turns thoughtful, thinking he could use this information to figure people out better and sits next to Caellum to look at the book right-side up* Hmmmm. *his tail twitches a little as he looks at the words before glancing back up to Caellum* If its about people in general, why wouldn't it have something about people like me?

Caellum: *looks back to the mew, arching a brow.* Because all people are different. *looks back to the book, continuing to read.*

Anoki: *blinks a few times clearly confused* If all people are different, though, and you're reading the book to learn about them...but it doesn't have information on people like me...how does that make sense?

Caellum: *glances at Anoki; he was smart for a kid.* It's about general human behavior. So some of it may apply to you, but not all of it. It's about... All people in general, not any specific people.

Anoki: *kicks his feet back and forth against the rock he has successfully squished himself on while he peers at the book, carefully listening to Caellum as he talks* Hmmm. *glances up to Caellum* So...studying soci...sociology will help you understand the people around you? *he frowns a little as he glances back at the book and out around them once more* Does that mean it makes you a better person, too?

Caellum: Yes. *continues to read before pausing and looking up at Anoki, looking puzzled before smiling.* ...It can. It depends on the person.

Anoki: *nods to himself quietly* I need to read that book, then! *tilts his head* I think everyone should! Then maybe people won't be angry when they see each other. Right?

Caellum: *goes back to reading, smiling to himself.* Maybe.

Anoki: *leans forward to tilt his head over the book while looking into Caellum's eyes intently but innocently* Has...Deimos read this book?

Caellum: *continues to read the book, frowning.* Probably not. He doesn't seem like the type to read books like these.

Anoki: *nods to himself a little bit before another question comes to his mind and he lightly taps his fingers on Caellum's shoulder* But...you're reading the book and you don't seem to like him. *frowning a little his tail thumps lightly against the ground as he considers this fact* So...maybe...reading the book doesn't do any good after all. *with a sigh he pulls his knees up so his elbows can rest on them before cupping his face in his hands* I don't think I'll ever understand people.

Caellum: *looks at Anoki blinking at that.* Deimos isn't a very likeable person, Anoki. Not everyone can like everyone. *frowns at his apparent distress, uncertain as to what to do.*

Anoki: *lifts his chin from his hands as he thinks over what he was told* I suppose you're right....but still... *turns back to Caellum suddenly curious* Have you tried liking him?

Caellum: *blinks slowly at that, seeming to think for a moment before shaking his head.* He annoys me.

Anoki: *watches Caellum shake his head and immediately adjusts the flower crown once he's done so that its sitting perfectly again* Just because someone annoys you doesn't mean you should not like them, does it?

Nico: -Falls on his bum.- D: I deserve better then that dammit! -Gets up and dusts off.-

Caellum: *frowns at that, growing annoyed again.* ...Are you lecturing me? *looks up suddenly, arching a brow.* Look, it's the one that sucks at smoking. Hello.

Deimos: *finally returns from the school, resuming his previous station on the flat rock with a few strong beats of his wings, landing neatly and crouching, looking towards the Mew and Squirtle*

Anoki: *tilts his head while looking up at Caellum with his big blue eyes as wide as they can go to portray his innocence at the accusation* Lecture? No...*smiles brightly* I don't even know what that means! *giggles as the newcomer falls on his bum and flicks his tail towards him in a silly greeting* Hello there! *glances towards where the figure has landed and floats up from the rock to wave happily towards him, not sure if he should do more than that*

Nico: Your mom sucks at smoking. = n= -Mutters and sticks tongue out at Caellum. Gets his comebacks from Mattie.- But hello. -Looks to the mew and smiles.- Hello to you as well. -Hears the wings and looks, eyes go wide.- Wooooow. -Looks to his wingless back, then back to Deimos.- So coooool!

Deimos: *brushes his coat back, putting his gloved hand over his chest and offering a half-bow to Anoki in return; the voice catches his attention, lifting his brows at the Charmander and, at the compliment, he smiles roguishly, extending his crimson-webbed wings before tucking them against his back comfortably*

Caellum: *sighs heavily, lifting a hand to rub the bridge of his nose. Looks back up to Nico, snorting.* I'm intimidated by your incredible wit. Really, I am. *follows his gaze, staring at Deimos before sighing.* I really am a freak magnet. What is this?

Anoki: *giggles at the newcomer's response to Caellum before floating a little higher to be nearer to eye level and waving once more to him* I'm Anoki! *sees the half-bow to him and giggles a little before mimicking it while in mid-air* Hello, Deimos! *frowns a little as Caellum calls himself a freak magnet and tilts his head as he floats lower to Caellum's eye level* What does freak magnet mean?

Nico: -Straightens his back, like he were attempting to do the same with his imaginary wings.- They're like.. /huge/. -Is obviously impressed. Looks back to Caellum with a twinkle in his eyes.- I know, it's better then anything you could ever think of. >P -Blinks and is slightly offended.- What's that supposed to mean? -Doesn't find himself freakish at all. Looks to the Mew and smiles again. Waves.- Nice to meet you. I'm Nico.

Caellum: *fakes a smile.* Nothing, Anoki. *shoots an annoyed look at Nico, snapping his book shut and moving to tuck it into his backpack.* Got a little crowded here. I'll be going. *ignores Deimos completely.*

Kazuya: So I've been wondering..... Why are you stealing people's gestures, lizard? |:

Deimos: *is fine with being ignored; is returning the favor to Caellum, chuckling at the Charmander's words* Thanks. *and before he can preen...Kazuya* Stealing what now? *turns with only a minor jolt of surprise, immediately back on his guard, eyeing the Persian with scrutiny*

Anoki: *smiles as he tries to remember Nico's face to go with his name* Nico. *nods* Got it! *frowns as he gets a smile from Caellum and pouts a little as he goes to leave* But, Caellum! These people just got here! *frowns when Deimos tenses and gets confused as the newcomer seems to put everyone off* What's wrong? *is whining just a little*

Kazuya: /casts a disinterested look at the pink fluffball before hopping up lightly onto the rock, invading into Dei's space/ The heart crossed bowing. That's the triplet's thing, isn't it? /turns over and sits down, watching everyone else/

Deimos: *flicks his tail and takes a step back - less to give Kazuya room and more to keep his personal bubble intact, crouching and watching the Persian wearily* I've never seen them greet anyone. They just...exist, suddenly. *shrugs indifferently* Nice to see you too. *he adds dryly*

Nico: -Frowns as Caellum goes to make his leave.- Well.. fine. -Really doesn't want him to go, but wont stop him.- Bye, bye then. D: -Looks back to the Charizard.- No problem! I wish I could have wings like yours. -Looks to the mew and smiles.- He's just a sour puss. D: -Fights giggle.-

Caellum: I'm not one for crowds... *suddenly freezes and goes completely tense at a familiar voice, waiting for the pain before relaxing suddenly when it didn't come, continuing to put his book away.* Now it's really time for me to go.

Anoki: *floats closer to the newest person to arrive and smiles brightly* Hello! *floats just a little in between Deimos and the newcomer since he noticed earlier that Deimos doesn't seem to like him*

Kazuya: Really? I'm pretty sure they've greeted you once or twice that way. /leans back slightly/ Ah.. Right. Good morning.

/flicks his tail absently and watches Caellum tense, lips twitching into a sinister frown/ Run faster, tiny turtle~~~--

/stops when Anoki hovers near him, ready to dodge out of the way if the Mew did anything. He didn't like kids/ What do you want? /quirks a brow, eyeing Anoki but not exactly aggressive yet/

Anoki: *waves sadly at Caellum* Bye-bye then... *returns his attention to the newcomer and giggles* I'm Anoki! *completely oblivious to the dislike the other one has for him*

Deimos: Be nice. *he says to Kazuya with a deeply amused look in his eyes, content to remain silent while the others went about their business, flicking his blue-flamed tail lazily at the Charmander's compliment* A shame you can't evolve in this form, no? *he says as non-assholeish as he can, indicating their humanoid features*

Kazuya: Great. /continues to look at Anoki, not exactly wanting to introduce himself if it'll discourage the other from trying to talk to him anymore. For a second, he was tempted to reach out and yank on that long tail, but decided against it-- he wasn't sure he could get away with bullying kids./

... I am nice. Probably nicer than you were. /smirks/

Caellum: *suddenly stops, his eye twitching before turning and pointing at the other man.* I didn't even do anything to you today, so leave me the ******** alone.

Anoki: *sighs a little when he gets no name from the other person, but when he hears Deimos speak he remembers what he was told the day before and his tail swishes excitedly back and forth at the revelation* What's your name? *is confused at Caellum and the newcomer's obvious dislike for each other

Deimos: *slowly looks to Kazuya, arching a brow* He knows my name, kitten. *looks to the Mew* I was nice today, wasn't I? *of course, today was the opportune word, but that was neither here nor there*

Nico: -Totally doesn't care how he said it.- It is! IT would be so cool to be a Charizard! -Nods quickly and looks to his red/orange flamed tail and then to the blue one.- Whaa... -Leans forward and looks at it closer, but not so close as to make Deimos uncomfortable or close enough to burn himself.- Why's it blue?

Kazuya: /thinks for a moment before offering up the name/ Kazuya. -- And now he knows mine as well, lizard. I wonder what you did yesterday?

/holds out both hands and shrugs dramatically, tail flicking from side to side to signify his amusement/ Sounds to me like you're asking for it. If you care to take a look at yourself, you're not charred and fried, spasming on the ground right now, correct? I only greeted you, so please get that thing out of your a** and carry on, tiny turtle. e ue

Anoki: *wriggles his ears happily as he nods to Deimos' question and half turns to him with a grin* You were very nice! *he pauses and taps his chin thoughtfully* But...you didn't let me put a flower in your hair. *points to Caellum* He let me make a whole crown! *he turns his attention back to the newcomer as he offers up his name and smiles* Kazuya...*nods to himself before floating between Kazuya and his friend Caellum at the mention of violence* Not nice. *he glowers a little in disapproval, though his cute appearance makes it more amusing than anything else*

Caellum: *eyes narrow at that before snorting and settling back onto the rock he was on.* You're an even bigger a*****e than I am.

Deimos: It is nice. *he agrees, but in truth, he doesn't remember being any other way; the question actually makes him pause, looking at the Charmander sharply but not unkindly* You're the first to ask. *sounds mildly surprised, curving his tail around so Nico can get a better look* I was made to be this way. In a state of perpetual rage. *smiles thinly, extending a gloved hand to conjure a small ball of flame, the same color as his tail, flicking his eyes towards the Mew* Thank you-- *chuckles at the reminder of the flower, unable to look at the Squirtle for fear of bursting into laughter*

Kazuya: /ignores the fluffball, even if he was a legendary/ Oh yes, shall I exercise that title?

Nico: -Hums and tilts his head as he watches it more.- There's a first for everything. -Comments quietly as he looks up to his hand. Straightens up and does the same, only his fireball redy-orange.- You don't seem angry. -Tilts head and looks between the two before lifting his other hand and moving it closer to the blue flame, curious as to if it was hotter then his own.-

Deimos: I'm an unpleasant and stupid creation, I'm always angry. *comments with a sidelong glance to Kazuya before keeping his attention on the Charmander; his fire dims a little as Nico comes closer, but doesn't snuff out completely, letting it crawl over two of his fingers to reach towards Nico* Or maybe it's more correct to say I am never happy. *chuckles quietly*

Caellum: Have you considered not being a d**k for five seconds? *arches a brow.*

Nico: I never said that? D: Who has? -Glances up at his face before wiggling fingers.- I can touch it, yes? -Doesn't really let him answer before passing his fingers though.- It's warmer then mine. D: -Is a little jealous. Does it again, trying to keep his fingers there for as long as he can.- Well..Maybe you should get happy! -Pulls his fingers out. Touches them to his lips, smiling at how warm they were.-

Deimos: It's not important. *he says with a faint smile, nodding at the question and holding his hand out a little more; when Nico pulls back, he lets the flame expand and grow a bit, the blue and white swirling like a mini tornado* Get happy? *he repeats, a little incredulous* Aren't you an optimist. *says with a small touch of bewilderment*

Nico: Well, if you say so. -Smiles and straightens up.- I just know I don't like being upset. -Plays with his own fireball, mimicking Deimos' fire.- I'm Nico by the way! -Smiles.-


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