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Blow me a kiss and say goodbye. wipe your eyes, its no time to cry

xX Greenie Xx
Community Member
Roleplay characters.. :D
xx greenie xx
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    MY iDENTiTY; Kelsey Anna Lemaire
    MY SUPER HERO NAME;Kels, Kelsey, Kel
    i GO PEE iN THE; in the outdoors, Squatting in a river. Wish I could stand up, It'd be so much easier to go camping.

    MY FAMOUS STORY;I was born in Seattle Washington 23 years ago to Sarah and David Lemaire. The last name is french. Both of my parents were born and raised in Paris, France. They got married and moved here about 15 years before they had me, which was only 12 years before they had my brother, Eric. You see, my parents once told me, that the reason we moved to the states was because my father wanted to work with airplanes. It was his dream, and boeing was the place he wanted to work. He had training in France and we moved here. My father was one of the CEO's. I lived there until the age of 8. That was until the divorce. My father was so wound up in his job that my mother, couldn't deal with it anymore. I think the last straw was when she called my father on thanksgiving and it was 10:15. She wouldn't let us touch any of the food until he got home. Needless to say, around 11 o clock, my mom got fed up with waiting. So we just ate.

    I knew that was when things were changing. But don't get me wrong. I think the divorce was well needed. It is not one of those things that I look back at and regret, and need to feel all emo about. Because although my father was never around, it made my mother’s love that much stronger for us. I wouldn't call my father dead beat; he just worked hard to provide for us, more than we needed. He wanted to pursue his dreams, he just chose the wrong time in life to do that. The divorce was a good omen, it was then that we moved to Ocean Side, California, and my mom met Kevin. Kevin was the greatest step dad my brother Eric and I could ever ask for. The next couple of years were fantastic. And then, High school. That was when I met my group of friends. We were fantastic friends. It was when we decided that it would be okay to be more than friends that messed everything up. Tanner. Tanner was my friend, who I made more than friend that created my downfall. I remember that night perfectly. If only Tanner would have let me explain. Instead he got rough with me, and that was when I realized, it didn't matter how much I explained. Since then, I have gotten a nice apartment and a great job in San Fran California. I didn't want to stay in Ocean side. I work for a newspaper there. I am an assistant to the editor in chief, and a Features writer. It was about time for a vacation, thank god for winning a trip to Jamaica

    i'LL BE NiCE; Writing*music*photography*dancing*going to the park* reading*singing*Skittles*Regina Specktor* Driving* Traveling*rain*
    i'LL KiLL YOU; *arrogance*smog*angry drivers* food with a wierd texture* clowns*Big bugs*rejection*Snow*Teenagers*emokids*
    EXTRA EXTRA; She has a a couple tattoos. One of a simple red heart with a black outline, about dine size on the back of her neck, and the other a small pair of wings on her hip bones.

    xx greenie xx

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i[blow]out.the[candles]://Age[17 turns 18 JULY 9th!]
a[day]to[remember]://July 9th
ive[been]one.all.my[life]:// Girl
[darling]i.like://Boys and girls

~singing loudly in the car
~embarassing other people

~stupid people on the internet in her boring internet life
~getting hurt


~Really big animals

like[sex]in.my[ears]://~Three doors down
~Rascal Flatts xd

i.get[butterflies]just[thinking]about.them://This boy back home.

my[lifes]just.been.a.little[different]://Aiden's bio is near teh same as her brother Addison. They have been together all of thier lives. She is the more clingly twin while he is more independent..

However she has had better luck with relationships, in the fact that everyone want to date her, but worse luck in the fact that she can't keep her boyfriends, or girlfriend strait. She has a couple people who she likes at home. But she is not against finding that " Summer romance"

im[only]slightly[crazy]://While addison is more independent and reserved, Aiden is no doubt about it. Extremly crazy. She loves to go out and party, and to go to random clubs and flirt with random people. She can't really help it. It is her personality to be talkative and nice. She is the girl in your highschool that dresses the way she wants so she doesnt have a clique, but she befriends everyone. She can never say that she was homecoming queen, but she can say that she has hard a heart to heart with her. And for Aiden, that is just fine.


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they[call]me://Europe, Addison, Addy. ( more commonly called by my middle name)
i[blow]out.the[candles]://17 ( he turns 18 this summer)
a[day]to[remember]://July 9th
ive[been]one.all.my[life]:// Boy

~Playing guitar
~Taking pictures
~the rain

~arrogant people
~his mothers boyfriend
~School Cliques
~his ex girl friend's b o y f r i e n d
~ Eccentric people
~Overly judgemental/ potically scewed people

~ being alone after watching horror flicks. xd

~All american rejects
~Classic rock bands AKA (aerosmith/ white snake / guns and roses)

i.get[butterflies]just[thinking]about.them://All pretty girls. And of course Katie

my[lifes]just.been.a.little[different]://I am not one of those people to go into how horrible my life has been. I was born on July 9th, and my mohter always told me I had the sparkle in my eyes from the fireworks she had lit jsut days before on the fourth. I was my mothers first child. However, right after me, only four minutes to be exact, my mother had my sister Aiden. Three years later, came along my brother daniel. That was my family. We lived in a really big nice house in the fancier suburbs or brooklyn until I was 8. We moved a lot after that because my father was in the military. His father was sent off to be in iraq and he has been gone for the last 6 years, coming home only on some holidays.
I know that my mother wasn't too sad about dad, because if she was, she would't have found Josh. Ten years to young for my mom and unfortunately closer to the age of my sister and I.

Needless to say, my mom and dad are not together. My fathers christmas mail in Iraq was divorce papers. And shortly after, Josh moved in.

It's not that bad really. We still live in a nice house, we have a nice life, and my father has found someone else too. After he came home from Iraq he found Cherrie. Yup, like the fruit.

As far as my love life went. During that whole time, I was dating Maria. A scene queen with a body to die for and and interest in music and all things taboo. She introduced me to musical theater, body art, and piercings. And damn did that girl know how to use that tounge ring. She dumped me, to try it with this rocker guy. And I was hoping to use this summer to get her back, or to find a new girl. Or two.. And now this STUPID reunion gets in my way?

im[only]slightly[crazy]://I am not shy. I have never been shy. I have always been able to charm my way into and out of things. I am not really a great students, but I am good at the game of school. Knowing what assignments I need to turn in and what teachers will except my, " I am sorry, I haven't had time for that project, I was volunteering at the animal shelter/oldfolks home/ food bank. You get the deal. I am sort of outgoing and a little bit crazy.


[We didn't do it for the money]
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.Apparently My Name Is.
[London Addison Scott]
.But I Tend To Go By.
[Addison, or addy. I NEVER go by london. Not anyone knows its my real name. ]
.My Age Is Rather Obvious.
[March 22nd]
.Which means I have blown out this many candles.
.You want to get to know me huh?.
[I would like to consider myself out going, but most people wouldn't think of me that way. I am loud, fun and like to run around like crazy, but on the other hand, I do only play the drums. Which are highly UNDERrated by the way. I have a decent sense of humor. I am a great detector of sarcasm, but I haven't mastered the art of it yet. I have a slight OCD. I don't like when things don't match in number or are symetric. Things that cant be divisible by 3,6,7, or 9 confuse and furiate me. Other people know I have slight OCD, but it isn't bad enough to need major treatment or anything.

I think that clothing is dumb. I don't like wearing shoes, or shirts, and only do, becuase I have to. When I am at home, I will be in the least amount of clothing possible because I like to feel free that way. And since I am always like this, I take pride and good care into my body. I am kind of thin, but I still have an athletic build. ]

.Dear Diary.
[I am not one of those people to go into how horrible my life has been. I was born march 22nd, and I was my mothers first child. However, right after me, only four minutes to be exact, my mother had my sister Aiden. Three years later, came along my brother daniel. That was my family. We lived in a really big nice house in the fancier suburbs of california until I was 8. We moved a lot after that because my father was in the military. His father was sent off to be in iraq and he has been gone for the last 6 years, coming home only on some holidays.
I know that my mother wasn't too sad about dad, because if she was, she would't have found Josh. Ten years to young for my mom and unfortunately closer to the age of my sister and I.

Needless to say, my mom and dad are not together. My fathers christmas mail in Iraq was divorce papers. And shortly after, Josh moved in.

It's not that bad really. We still live in a nice house, we have a nice life, and my father has found someone else too. After he came home from Iraq he found Cherrie. Yup, spelt like that but said like Cherry, the fruit.

As far as my love life went. During that whole time, I was dating Maria. A scene queen with a body to die for and and interest in music and all things taboo. She introduced me to musical theater, body art, and piercings. And damn did that girl know how to use that tounge ring. She dumped me, to try it with this hard metal rocker guy. Well she moved away, and now here I am, in a band myself, but without her. ]

.My Lovely Instrument.
.Some Things That I Adore.
[~Going to the movies
~hanging out with friends
~playing my drums
~ I like the board game risk
~Making out with cute girls
~Going to concerts
~Taking pictures/photography]

.Some Things I Could Live Without.
[~I fear blood
~Really big animals
~Really big people
~country music

.My Puppet Master.
[xx greenie xx]

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Addison Cheveyo

Addison, Addi, Che


October 27th

Addison has been raised in a mixed family. He has grandparents who are very much native american. He has never really embraced that because for the last couple of generations the native american in thier family has wittled away through the marriage to other ethnicities. Addison is 1/8th native american, which is more than most people can say. His parents are still together and he has one sister. They are a happy family, but they have had thier problems. They used to be really really poor. Poor enough to the point where thier stuff was getting reposesed. They sold thier house and moved in with his grandparents on the indian reservation.

His father got a new job and in only a couple years, they had enough money to buy a new home, a new car, and help fix up the grandparents home. Addison was applying for scholarships to college, he had gotten into Washington state university and he was really excited, because it was close to home, but far enough away. A little while ago he had gotten a letter in the mail and he had won an expensive paid trip to Europe to a castle in the north. Not only that, but it was legitimate, his next stop EUROPE!

He is very out going and fun. He loves to be around people and to let people into his life. He listens to music a lot and is a trivia junkie. He knows random facts about random things. He is loud, entertaining and fun to be around. If you ever need someone to help you out of a sticky situation, before you even finish the word help, he is in his car on his way to come get you. He is a great friend when others try, but he is quick to judge others, when they judge him.


+mean people
+ Clowns
+ Bell peppers

Heights && clowns

xx greenie xx


User Image X {My.parents.called.me.this} Huan Chang

I just go by Huan. ( said like juan)

AGE 17

July 3rd

{Life.Is[more]than.just.a.highway}I was raised in a traditional Chinese family, in the outer limits of china. It is a simple life in china, you either have money, or you don't. There are some ways you can work your way up, but not many. My family was one of the wealthier ones. But that didn't mean that as children we took stuff for granted. My father wanted us to learn what it was like to work. we had enough money that my younger brother Shing and I could like without ever having to do anything, but my father wanted us to work young, to earn our inheritance. I got a job when I was 11, riding my bike to help deliver random products to wealthy businesses and CEO's. These people were my fathers colleagues. I had played with their children.

When I turned 15 my father sent me to America, I was to live there, with some relatives and get situated before I went to college there. SO for the last two years I have lived in a nice apartment in uptown New York, with my Aunt and uncle. In my quest to apply for colleges I can upon a sweepstakes to Europe, Strangely enough, I won. My father is not happy, but for now. Well This summer, I will be going there.

I am shy. I have always been shy. In order to avoid people I kept myself in my house with my books and my weights. A strange combination I know, But as my mother taught me, our bodies are our temples. I cherish my health, and I want to live a long prosperous life, that is the reason I stay in shape. I like to draw. Anime actually. I have had some people look at my stuff, and I might get signed a publishing deal. I really hope for it.

+ drawing
+ reading
+ writing
+ Techno music
+ Dancing
+ Driving
+ Girls

+ People who talk to much
+ people like me who talk to little
+ People who don't take care of themselves
+ People who smell
+ Radical people
+ to political people
+ shopping
Small Crowded places. ( and I lived in china... I KNOW)

xx greenie xx

This is a poem in the making.. I am not done yet. Well I don't know. .. It will take me forever.. Normally I edit and edit and edit. Please do tell me which parts are good, and which you think need work though. biggrin

There's a sense of passion,
in a heartfelt ryhme.
about two hearts that beat together,
together like yours and mine.

Or maybe its a simple sense of wonder.
An allure, a love, an art.
Like my soul is microscopic corkboard,
and your eyes a lovers dart.

Oh how I can see the world,
in your dart like bright blue eyes.
And in your golden hair I see,
the brilliance of a shimmering sunrise.

Or maybe it is love my dear,
and your eyes have pierced my heart.
I think its just a passionate game we play,
and we have long since left START.

It IS that game of passion,
of love, eyes, darts and dare.
that makes wonders not so simple now,
and that ALLURE still fills the air.

The scribbles I write are simply,
A way that I can cheat.
to try to beat you in this game of love
since you swept me off my feet.

My heartfelt rhymes are grander now,
that my muse is coming through.
Believe it or not, I've won this game,
with my love for you.

xX Greenie Xx
Community Member

xX Greenie Xx
Community Member
I changed my name from greenqueen... To greenie..

I was tired of people calling me queenie. It really irritated me.. And since greenie was already taken I needed a variation. xX Greenie Xx it is!!

If a picture is worth a thousand words?
This is the picture story of kae.. For all who wanted more PICTURES.

This is kae.

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Kae feels pretty.

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And a little scary

Sometimes kae is happy instead of scary
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and sometimes kae is a little emo
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But all the times, kae has dark dark hair, and
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dark dark eyes
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kae likes to take black and white pictures. and she is a cam whore
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sometimes kae takes sepia pictures
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and even sometimes in COLOR
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kae is in love with a boy
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and he can always make her SMILE
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xX Greenie Xx
Community Member

xX Greenie Xx
Community Member
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No one would notice if I died. Well I take that back.... There are the SELECT few.. Would the people I only talk to on the internet CARE? How would the people who I would want to know I had died react. Who would tell nadine, or luke. Would nadine fly across the country to come to my funeral?

I feel depressed, and stricken with an uncontrolable grief...

xX Greenie Xx
Community Member

xX Greenie Xx
Community Member
Wow has time gone by.....

Almost a year ago i joined gaia. I do believe june 18th will be my one year gaia anniversary. The school year is almost over and i am stuck here in this surreal part of life. Everyday feels like it is planned for me. I feel like i float on air to all of my classes go home eat sleep and do it all again the next day. WOW is life boring.

Well happy almost gaia anniversary to me.

Some days i wonder, why the hell am i even doing what i am doing. I realized half of teh things i do, i do them because they come on impulse. I have been really depressed lately. I hide it from dylan because i dont want him to know. I have been fighting with my friends because for some reason, i jsut cant take life anymore. I am not the kind of person to make excuses, and people who make excuse bug me. Like this girl who is in my group in first period. She is such an idiot.. i hate idiotic people.

What i really hate is myself.. I am letting things bug me that didnt bug me before... sometimes, i am left speechless by the things i have said.

xX Greenie Xx
Community Member

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