~~~ Aaron Samuel Jones ~~~
No wind came through the open window in his front room. Aaron sighed as he finished stacking the last of his boxes near the front door. He looked around him. He was sure going to miss this place. Aaron was moving. He had already quit his job here in Indiana and was moving to Tennessee, where he has already gotten a job as a farmhand. He had nothing left for him here anyway. With his mother and father both dead, Aaron had lost almost everything. His only sibling, his sister Penny, lived a few hours away, and Aaron didn't want to cause her any trouble by staying with her and her husband Frank. Aaron glanced at his watch and went to go put his stuff in his truck. He had to start heading to Tennessee.
Finally, in the middle of the day, Aaron pulled off the road to a pancake house in a deserted town. He locked his truck and stepped through the door into the pancake house. He was blasted with a strong AC just as he stepped inside. He shivered and quickly walked on. Picking a booth near a wide window, Aaron sat. The seat was plastic, so he slid easily into the booth. A woman in a old waitress outfit walked briskly up Aaron's table and handled him a menu. She had a notepad and pencil in the pocket of her apron. She stood there for a second and then left. Aaron studied the menu. The paper was a yellow and old. Aaron thought that the place hadn't changed their menu or style in quite a while.
Soon, the waitress was back, notepad and pencil in one hand, her other hand was patting the bun of red hair on top of her head. "What can I get you?" she asked, leaning on her left leg. It was a habit most women had.
Aaron quickly scanned the menu and shut it. He handed it back to the waitress. "I'll have a mushroom omlet with a side of bacon and toast. Rye bread, butter on the side. Also, a cup of black coffee." He smiled at the women as he watched her scribble down his order. When she was finished, she looked at him and blushed. He had that affect on women. She smiled back. "Comin' right up."
As the waitress walked away, Aaron turned to look out the window. the deserted town was at the bottom of Indiana. He had gotten far from where he had been in Northern Indiana. He sighed and placed his elbow on the table, his chin on his fist.
Aaron jumped back on the road after his breakfast, which was actually lunch. He turned on his radio and listened as country music came out of the car's speakers. He kept his eyes on the road as he reached into his glove box and pulled out a water bottle. He let go of the wheel long enough to open the bottle. He took a gulp of the water and grinned. Nothing like fresh bottled water. He capped it and placed it in the cup holder. Later, he would rent a motel and spend the night there, finishing his trip to Tennessee in the morning. He hoped to get there by mid-day.
Aaron walked into the motel he had gotten for the night and looked around. It would do for the night, but not longer than that. He sighed as he longed for his bed at home. But sadly, he knew he wasn't going to be able to live there again. At least not for sometime. Taking off his shoes, Aaron went to go shower.
After he was done, Aaron went straight to bed. He was tired, and he needed to get up tomorrow to make it to Tennessee. He need to start his new life.