Recently reading D. Gray-Man I've come across a common question...
What's the deal with Yuu Kanda's Tattoo...?
>< Seriously I lyk just started reading it & got flooded with that question in PM's...How did you guys know I even read it? eek
Oh well, carrying on...
If I got it right, the symbol/Kanda's tattoo, can get kinda confusing if you don't follow along.
Well anyhow my take on it is;
Kanda's Tattoo/ Symbol on his chest =
& This may, & I emphasize the word "MAY", be identified as the Symbol "Aum" a.k.a. "Om" or more rarely "Ohm" (commonly pronounced ar-oo-mm),
we'll go with "Om" for now. It is a mystical or sacred syllable in the Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist religions.

Problems with this picture:
-That looks very similar but not quite like Kanda's
- Hey Z... it's red...-_- (joke^^)
Kay so der be a little differ in de pic... Look into it a wee bit further and we get...

"Hey Z that looks a lot more like it, but we still don't know what it means & why the other symbol ? ><"
They're pretty much the same symbol only, the one in the picture above is in
Siddhaṃ script (looks more like Kanda's),
where as the red symbol is Sanskrit (which you'll probably see a lot more).
The meaning behind the "Om" is a whole other story...Why?
-Siddhaṃ is supposedly spoken in Sanskrit...? I don't know ><
-"Om" is written in different ways in different places (obviously)
-"Om" is used as a chant or something for meditation, sound familiar?
That's right cross your legs, make OK signs on each of your hands, and pronounce it like (aaooommm)
-Today, in all Hindu art and all over India and Nepal, "Om" can be seen virtually everywhere (that only makes it harder to define, for me anyway)
What I could make out to be the meaning(s) of "Om"...
A sound believed by Hindus to the sound that brought creation into being, a universal name of the Lord,
the mystic name for the Hindu Trimurti, and represents the union of the three gods.
Well that's all I've got, let me know if you have anything to add ^^
Wanna know more? Try starting your journey here
Thanks for stopping by mrgreen
What's the deal with Yuu Kanda's Tattoo...?
>< Seriously I lyk just started reading it & got flooded with that question in PM's...How did you guys know I even read it? eek
Oh well, carrying on...
If I got it right, the symbol/Kanda's tattoo, can get kinda confusing if you don't follow along.
Well anyhow my take on it is;
Kanda's Tattoo/ Symbol on his chest =

& This may, & I emphasize the word "MAY", be identified as the Symbol "Aum" a.k.a. "Om" or more rarely "Ohm" (commonly pronounced ar-oo-mm),
we'll go with "Om" for now. It is a mystical or sacred syllable in the Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist religions.

Problems with this picture:
-That looks very similar but not quite like Kanda's
- Hey Z... it's red...-_- (joke^^)
Kay so der be a little differ in de pic... Look into it a wee bit further and we get...

"Hey Z that looks a lot more like it, but we still don't know what it means & why the other symbol ? ><"
They're pretty much the same symbol only, the one in the picture above is in
Siddhaṃ script (looks more like Kanda's),
where as the red symbol is Sanskrit (which you'll probably see a lot more).
The meaning behind the "Om" is a whole other story...Why?
-Siddhaṃ is supposedly spoken in Sanskrit...? I don't know ><
-"Om" is written in different ways in different places (obviously)
-"Om" is used as a chant or something for meditation, sound familiar?
That's right cross your legs, make OK signs on each of your hands, and pronounce it like (aaooommm)
-Today, in all Hindu art and all over India and Nepal, "Om" can be seen virtually everywhere (that only makes it harder to define, for me anyway)
What I could make out to be the meaning(s) of "Om"...
A sound believed by Hindus to the sound that brought creation into being, a universal name of the Lord,
the mystic name for the Hindu Trimurti, and represents the union of the three gods.
Well that's all I've got, let me know if you have anything to add ^^
Wanna know more? Try starting your journey here
Thanks for stopping by mrgreen