Our main characters...
Imogen Charlose- Hide and Seek
 -the child of a merchant who quickly succeeded to become a noble, Imogen loved her father, her mother having passed away from a great illness that had befallen the town, with the death of her mother it seemed to be the rise of her father, by creating the medicine to defeat this great plague he soon became rich and was knighted, sending Imogen and him into wealth -Imogen's father was summoned to King Turntill's palace to serve the king and keep the king well, but Imogen's love for the king would be more than she expected
Roxanne- El Tango De
 -a sort of superhero, she has no powers or supernatural abilities, but her cleverness, flexibility, and athletisism make her Roxanne, a masked hero dedicated to helping others, yet she only serves King Turntill -Roxanne does not cover the fact that she loves King Turntill and she turns glances only to her enemies and the king -it is said that Roxanne is a woman whose fiance was killed in jealousy by another man and that she is dedicated to saving the king who is her new love
King Turntill- Angry Angel
 -king at the young age of fifteen, Joel Tunrntill grew up fast, but when Imogen and her father came to the palace he felt like he could relive his childhood, his growing affection of the girl was mistaken by himself to be a brotherly affection (him having had no siblings) and he constantly feels odd as he hurts both himself and Imogen with his mistaken affection
xXNoirPapillonDieuXx · Wed Dec 23, 2009 @ 06:39am · 0 Comments |