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Teh Kitty's unKovered Journal
.::I'm Wearing Disguises You Can't See::.
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…:: T.H.E B.I.R.T.H C.E.R.T.I.F.I.C.A.T.E::…
    .::My Parents Called Me;; Rayne Damaris Hargreaves
    .::But I Like;; Rayne, Ray, or Marie
    .::I'ma What Now?;; Female
    .::No If's, And's, or Butts;; Heterosexual
    .::That's Different;; Human- British/French
    .::I'm This Many;; Seventeen
    .::I Am Who You Know As;; Guardian of the Fluid Rain

…::M.I.R.R.O.R M.I.R.R.O.R::…
    .::I'm Just Right;; Cosplay obsession makes it so that she wears some generally out of place clothes, but when she's taken the cosplay off, what she likes to wear tends to be tight sleeve-less shirts and very short shorts or skirts, complimented with loose jackets. Or the other way around, with comfortable jeans and a tank top with a tight vest. She isn't very picky, and most of them if it's 'casual time' she'll generally throw on anything in the walk-in closet. Always though, she has on boots. Any kind of boots will do for her: knee-highs, ankle-highs, lace-up, slip ons, Uggs...the possibilities are endless, the preference varied. But always- She. Must. Have. Boots.

    (She's tried sneaking boots under long dresses when it comes to formal royal occasions, but that's one thing that her grandparents put their feet down on [forgive the pun])

    Most of the time Rayne also likes to have each area of her body have an accessory of its own. A headband, earrings, arm bands, bracelets, belts, and ankle bangles are only a few examples of what she likes to deck herself out in. She's very impartial to anything that has buckles, and loves rings (of the non-magical type).
    .::My Friends Call Me Tiny;; 5'9"
    .::I'm Not Fat, Am I?;; 125 lbs.
    .::Not Odd Enough For Ya?;; Blonde
    .::Window To My Soul;; Cerulean Blue
    .::More Special Than You;; There's a blood red tattoo of a French rose intertwined with a fleur de lis- her family's crest- on her right hip.

…::WINDOW T.O M.Y L.Y.F.E::…
    .::Not Always About The Outside;; For a Duchess, Rayne is definitely not as lady-like as some people would like her to be. It's not that she's an outrageous rebel or doesn't like the duties of a Duchess, because she can be graceful and elegant, and she enjoys helping the people and her grandparents. It's just that she has too much of an adventurous, restless spirit to stay in one place for too long signing papers or sipping tea. Given the choice, Rayne would rather go out on a countryside drive on her motorcycle than to meet with potential suitors at the Meddings castle.

    Owing to her interests in cosplay, she changes 'appearances' almost on a daily basis, causing some to believe that she has a mask on all the time. And she does. Rayne insists that she still hasn't found her own person yet, and that taking on the roles of different characters helps to put herself in other people's shoes and 'try' their personality. Because of this, her 'personality' ranges from bubbly and hyper to depressed and melancholy on any given day. When she is out of costume though, her true sentiments shine through to reveal her as a kind and understanding woman, who is merely confused about which road her life is going to take.

    She's far from being a dumb blonde- Rayne's intelligence and intuition is second to none, and her sometimes playful and mischievous nature enjoys leading people to believe she is so, before completely flooring them with talk of royal politics or economy. An child-like part of her still believes in superstitions and fairytale myths, also making her a near violent romantic. Once a person gets to know her better, they'd be able to see that she really is quite cheerful and optimistic, with a strong sense of justice. Her stabilities and firm resolve in everything she does would make one think she would rather be fit as a Gaian, but Rayne is an emotional person at heart, and at many times reacts accordingly to any situation to her first thoughts, much like the people of the Sky do. She isn't thoughtless though- being a Duchess requires much tact and manners, and she's honed this to a fine point. Her royal position, for all its troubles, has also taught her how to be compromising, open to new ideas, and accepting in all ways; and Rayne is very much so all these things.
    .::Read On It;; Rayne was born the daughter of Emily (Meddings) and Vincent Hargreaves, the former being British and the latter being French. Because Emily had been Duchess at the time of her marriage, the title of Duke was bestowed to Vincent, and made Rayne a Lady when she was just born. How could her parents be a part of the Sky family and still be called a Duchess and Duke? Emily's ancestors had been one of the many non-blood-related 'families' that the Sky had long established before Rayne's time- it just so happened that they were one of the more prominent ones that were deemed almost royal. So Rayne grew up in a pampered lifestyle, a precious gift to her parents and her grandparents Deirdre and Zachary. As she grew older and closer to the age that most children started getting trained in the Ring arts, Emily was most adamant about not exposing Rayne to the horrors of the world. Vincent managed to convince her otherwise, that it was necessary and in the best interests of their little girl. Eventually Emily caved in, and when Rayne turned five, she started her training, ironically, under the Ring that was called 'rain'- a female tradition in the Hargreaves family.

    She had an excellent teacher in her father in the ways of the water, and her mother taught her patience and cunning (attributes learned from her ring of the Mist). For the physical portion of her training, she worked with her older brother (by five years), Lord Terrence Hargreaves, a veritable genius in savate (French kickboxing), among other fighting styles and techniques- swift and unmerciful in battle with his Lightning ring, but a gentle and protective sibling. For many years she was happy, loved by her family and the public, despite her quirks and sometimes rough and tumble ways.

    She took to the Rain Ring easily, and by twelve had successfully learned how to wield the power in battle. Around this time, the rumors that Heartless and other Dark creatures were invading ally territory reached the ears of the royal families, and a party was organized within these powerful Ring users so they could quickly dispose of the creatures. Emily and Vincent were included in the group, and with assurances to their children that they would return soon, they left the relative safety of Radiant City.

    It wasn't until two years later, at age fourteen, did Rayne and her brother hear news of their parents- and it wasn't good news. The only person that returned from the excursion reported that a horde of strong Heartless had ambushed them. When the fight was over, from what he could see, the rest of the fighters were gone, not a single trace of their bodies detectable. Terrence was angered beyond belief- he couldn't believe that his parents were dead. After a few days of debating, he secretly left the Meddings Castle to look for his parents, leaving only a note for Rayne apologizing for his actions and swearing to come back soon with their parents.

    She was beside herself with worry and grief, having lost over half of her family in so badly of ways. But she didn't have the time to consider leaving herself and searching as well- Deidre and Zachary needed her to stay at Meddings Castle to keep the royal title to the Hargreaves. So at fifteen, Rayne rose in position to Duchess, and stayed there. Day to day she would manage the duties that her parents would've originally had to have fulfill had they been there, but at night, she had dreams. Dreams of a boy with blue streaked silver hair, who was calling her by name. The dreams were persistant, and confused her to the point of distraction. She desperately wanted to figure out who the boy was, but was unable to leave her post at Meddings Castle (or the suitors wanting to marry her). She didn't have to wait long for the chance.

    Her brother returned soon after her seventeen birthday, badly wounded and on the verge of dying. After a frantic night of healing, Terrence was back in stable condition, and able to tell his little sister the story. He hadn't been able to find his parents, but he did have strong evidence that they were still alive. In the state he was in, however, he couldn't go out and search for them again. And here presented the perfect opportunity for her to search for the mysterious boy in her dreams that called for her.

    She argued with her brother for a long time, until she finally had his permission to leave to search for the boy, and their parents. Now the Duchess is out adventuring, following her brother's direction via computer, cell phone, and messenger hawk. She hasn't had much luck...but she's hoping that she'll soon find those who she's seeking.
    -- > Cosplay! It's her life.
    -- > Anime, manga, and video games. Enough said.
    -- > Gourmet cooking. She's a pro at making it, and at eating it.
    -- > Her motorcycle. It's her baby.
    -- > Rice Krispies. What she primarily runs on.
    -- > Card games. Rayne can be quite the player when she feels like it (and is quite skilled with her hands because of occasional cheating).
    -- > Literature of all kinds.
    -- > Her family
    -- > Attempting to see the future through water (scrying). No success so far, but she's gotten a few visions that might've been coincidences...
    -- > Small spaces (she has slight claustrophobia).
    -- > Dumb blonde jokes.
    -- > Prim, proper, prissy girls.
    -- > The suitors lining up outside her house.
    -- > People that are prejudiced against anything and anyone.

    .::Cleaving Is Fun;; Her very long and trusty whip is her main weapon. She also uses two arm blades that she can pull of of their sheathes from her legs when her whip is incapacitated or she's somehow lost ability to effectively use it.
    .::Your Kung Fu Is No Match;; While she does utilize karate and judo, she is strongest in her own mixture of Savate and gymnastics. Both of these are usually used in coordination with wielding her arm blades.
    .::I'll Make You Burn;; Water/Ice
    .::Mine Are Better Than Yours;;
    -- > Water Tornado- By swinging her whip around rapidly in a circle, she can apply her water powers to the air created by it and create a column of water. It can be created and launched in any direction, and has varying degrees of size and strength.
    -- > Rain Dance- Rayne snaps her whip at enemy, and at the moment of contact, causes a sharp splice of water to cut wherever the whip hit. Because she spins in many full circles to keep the momentum and effectiveness of the attack, as well as land more hits, it looks like a dance- thus the title Rain Dance. She has to be minimally surrounded to have this work well, but the attack can also be altered so that she targets only one specific enemy at a time (Watery Wounds).
    -- > Kickboxing Lasso- Rayne first uses her whip to catch onto the enemy via arm or wrist. She jerks them towards her, and when they get close enough, she delivers a roundhouse kick to their head. At the moment the enemy's guard is down, she jerks her whip back again, and leaps forward to double kick the chest area, and do a backflip. When she lands, she spins and lands one last kick to the head area.
    -- > Frozen Wheel- Its execution is similar to Water Tornado's, except instead of water forming, loops of ice are formed around her whip. After they are formed, she can fling them off her whip at the enemy. Depending on the rotation size of the whip when she swings it, the hoops of ice can grow or shrink.
    Arm Blades
    -- > Icy Spear- Rayne forms ice on her arm blades, and then launches these icicle forms at the enemy.
    -- > Lady Stinger- Rapid slashes of the arm blades are followed by a Icy Spear attack.
    -- > Crashing Waterfall- Rayne summons a wave of water from a nearby water source, or collects it from the air, and slams it directly into the enemy.
    -- > Frozen Tears- The water vapor in the sky is turned to hail, and rains down on the enemy relentlessly.
    -- > Ice Enviornment- Rayne turns the surroundings into a giant ice rink, making it more difficult for the enemy.to get to her. She can also create this effect in small areas to make the enemy slip while charging her or an ally
    -- > Healing Rain- whether in or out of battle, she can change the properties of her Ring's water to be able to cure minor to moderate wounds. She uses it mainly outside of battle, however, since the confusion of fighting makes her lose the concentration to make Healing Rain.
    -- > Swirling Mist- As the name implies, a mist. Since Rayne controls water, she also has power over the water vapor in the air, and can manipulate it to create smog to hide behind in battle or cloak an escape.
    .::My Super-Special Self-Made Technique;;
    -- > Dolphin's Final Leap- Rayne summons an enormous amount of water. As the amount of water starts to become more and more visible in the air, she tries to get as as high as she can go- onto the roofs of buildings and higher. As she leaps upwards, the water shapes itself beside her in the form of a dolphin. When she has gotten as high as she can, she then falls down onto the battlefield full force with her arm blades ready to strike. The dolphin plummets beside her, and reaches the ground before her, slapping the enemy(s) around with its tail before coming up to catch her on its back. From there Rayne rides the dolphin to give a round of Lady Stingers, then lands on the ground as the dolphin fades away back to water vapor.
    -- > Rain's Redemption- A large column of water forms under Rayne to rise her up into the air. At her command, the water falls as rain. If it falls on an ally, it will heal all negative status effects and increase their strength stats temporarily. If it lands on an enemy, it will have no effect. As the water column diminishes, she lands gently down to the ground and sends out a multitude of icicles straight at the enemy.

.::Kari Otogi::.
.::Party Time::.
Theme Song(s)

User Image____/// Basic Information::

{ Full Name } Airi Takahashi
{ Nicknames } Ai-chan, RiRi
{ Age } 17 in Sun Form, 21 in Moon Form
{ Gender } Female
{ Race } Human- Japanese
{ Sexuality } Bisexual, technically (Sun Airi is looking for a knight in shining armor, but Moon Airi is a vixen for both sexes)
{ Role } None

____/// When I Look into The Mirror::

{ Character Appearance } For a high school student, Airi is quite the curvaceous girl. She stands at 5"7", somewhat of an awkward height for her wide hips and developed bust, but Airi somehow manages to look graceful either way. Her silver hair is the one thing that makes her stand out in a crowd, and surprisingly that's not what she's self-conscious about- she actually loves her hair color. Her eyes are also unique; a rich red color that can be warm one instant and cold the next. Her Japanese heritage bestowed her with pale skin, and this is the part of herself that she despises, and tries to hide as much of it as she possibly can. And thus, more often than not, you'll find her in jeans and long sleeved-jackets, maybe even a scarf if the weather permits. Since she loves flowers (sunflowers in particular) so much, Airi will often wear some kind of flower accessory on her person.
That's Airi when she's in her Sun Form (or her 'normal' form). When she shifts to her Moon Form, she changes. Her height grows to 5"10", and her body becomes more lithe and her bust more pronounced. Her hair color and eye color stay the same, but Moon Airi is not afraid to show skin, oh no. Outside of battle, Moon Airi will wear leather, leather, and more leather, always sure to have it accent her curves. Moon Airi also likes expensive designer clothes, and if she's not wearing leather, she can be seen in the latest fashions and styles.

{ Personality } Airi (or Sun Airi) is a rather introverted and self-conscious girl, preferring to be in the crowd than be in the spotlight. She doesn't like putting herself out there because she's afraid of retribution and rejection, a feeling she's long had to deal with since childhood. She tends to take things rather seriously and literally, and is easily hurt. Because of this, things that others say to her sometimes get warped in her mind to seem like they're derogatory comments about her, or criticisms. When this happens, she simply closes up and becomes somewhat cold. Her quiet nature belies a strong will and heart, however, though it's seldom she gets to show it to anyone. Given the chance, Airi can be a stubborn girl with a surprisingly sharp wit and sense of humor. If she's brave enough, she can even muster up a bit of sarcasm. She's very aware of other peoples' feelings, and has the ability to read others like a book, no matter how guarded they are.
Moon Airi, on the other hand, is almost the exact opposite. Being as she's the 'darker' side of Airi, she has a lot of the qualities that Airi wishes she could have, but doesn't try to obtain. Moon Airi is a seductive woman with feminine 'wiles', a huge flirt with both the men and the women. She's loud and outspoken, original and opinionated, mischievous and sly. She won't hesitate to get in your face about anything, and her stubbornness is a lot more apparent than Sun Airi's. Sometimes she won't take no for an answer. Moon Airi is very compassionate and passionate, though, a strong believer in justice and loyalty. She's very loyal herself, to both Sun Airi, her light self, and the other close loved ones of Sun Airi.

{ Background Check } Airi grew up in North District, born to a pair of wealthy parents only by lineage. Her childhood was happy- her parents were always with her, she had great friends in school, and life was going well. It was when she was nine, when her parents had to move into East District, that she started having problems. Her grandparents Kyoshi and Seiya Takahashi were ecstatic to see their grandchild, and she spend many a happy day with them, but Airi started noticing changes in her environment. The kids at her new school thought she was weird for keeping with her Western style clothes, when the East District was obviously centered around East Asian culture. Her parents constantly argued now about various things- on whether they should move back to North District, on Airi's future, about their money and where it should go...it went on and on, and Airi grew to hate her parents for it. One day, in one argument, Airi was brought up, and one of the parents (she can't remember which one it was, the memory is so obscure now) screamed that having Airi was a mistake. Poor Airi just happened to be walking by when that was yelled, and all of the repressed anger and sadness came out in a flood. On that day Moon Airi was born.
Moon Airi came out and lashed out at Airi's parents, screaming that they were the worst parents ever, that they had hurt Sun Airi, caused her pain, didn't know that all she wanted was to have them back the way they were before. All the while, Sun Airi was huddled in the recesses of their now shared mind, frightened at what Moon Airi was doing, horrified that her repressed emotions had created her. And everything became quiet. Sun Airi resurfaced in time to see her parents' Soul Balls appear and disappear into a pair of crescent-shaped hand scythes she was suddenly holding. Confused and upset, Airi turned to see her grandparents come into the room, sad smiles on their faces as well. They explained that the furious arrival of Moon Airi had changed them into Fakes, but realizing what she'd done, Moon Airi did the only thing she knew how to. She attacked with them with the Double Eclipses that had been hanging on the wall (decorative scythes, supposedly), and with that action, their Soul Balls had been released, purified, and absorbed into the weapons.
So within a few minutes, Airi's life was turned upside down. She found out that she now houses another Airi within her soul, an alter-ego of sorts, and that she's a Witch with the power to create Fakes. Airi was terrified that what happened to her parents would happen, but Kyoshi and Seiya assured her that it was a power she could control, and that Moon Airi was now here to help her, not harm her. So for eight years, Airi stayed with her grandparents, learning about the Fakes, her alter-ego, and training her body to be prepared for the inevitable fight that would come when someone decided to take Moon Airi's enormous power and potential into their own hands.
Airi is now nearing graduation at Falling Sakura High, with still no interruption of her life. Moon Airi has an inkling that something will happen in the near future though, but hasn't told her light self yet for not wanting to scare her.

{ Likes }
+Candy : Especially anything strawberry flavored.
+The Sun/the Moon : Sun Airi and Moon Airi respectively, but both like their elements because it has a soothing effect on them.
+Flowers : The sunflower and the moon flower respectively, but both like other flowers as well.
+Soft Rock/Techno music : ...Respectively again.
+Reading : Both of them like romance novels and mythological stories from various cultures, but Sun Airi likes historical fictions as well, and Moon Airi prefers mystery novels.
+Drawing : Sun Airi draws more people and places, while Moon Airi draws animals. It's a hobby both of them share.
+Flirting : This is all Moon Airi. Sun Airi doesn't like it since it draws attention to herself, but Moon Airi thrives on the chase at various night clubs and other questionable places.
+Her grandparents : They're the only ones that seem to understand and accept her and the manifestation of Moon Airi.

User Image{ Dislike }
+Heights : It was a childhood experience. Enough said.
+Bugs : They're disgusting...creepy-crawly things...
+Bullies : Sun Airi had to deal with them in her younger years, and now that she's stronger now (and has Moon Airi to back her up), she can't tolerate them at all.
+New moons : Moon Airi's power is at a minimal that one day of the month, and Sun Airi feels the effects.
+The Fakes : They remind her of who she is and what she did.

{ Theme Songs }
Sakura Drops {Utada Hikaru}
You (Aggressive Mix) {Ayumi Hamasaki}
White Flag {Nora Jones}
Drops of Jupiter {Train}

____/// Everybody loves Kung-Fu Fighting!::

{ Weapons } When in her Sun Form, she utilizes her Double Eclipse hand-scythes for hand-to-hand combat. The Double Eclipses do not channel her magical power in her Sun Form- she must cast spells verbally or otherwise. In her Moon Form, her Lunar Staff is her only weapon- it acts as her magical channel, but is also durable and strong enough to parry and deliver blows.
{ Fighting Style } Sun Airi prefers to dodge and parry attacks until she has a sizable amount of space and time, then wipes out all opponents around her with one huge attack. Moon Airi is more aggressive in battle, not liking to give her opponents a chance to counter-attack, and continuously attacks them until they show some sign of weakness, then takes them out with a well-placed spell.
{ Abilities } Since Airi's magical powers are divided between the Sun and the Moon, so are her magical powers.

Taiyou Furea - Solar Flare : Airi spins around with her Double Eclipses outstretched. She soon becomes almost like a mini sun, with small flaming comets flung off her person to smash into enemies.
Himawari - Sunflower : By connecting her Double Eclipses together, they form a curved X-shape, which Airi can throw as sharp flying discus.
Amaterasu - Shining Heaven : Airi creates a giant ball of solar power and flings it at her enemy that explodes on contact. Has varying degrees of size.
Nisshoku - Solar Eclipse : Airi moves her Double Eclipses together in front of her to form a complete circle, then transfers both Sun and Moon energy into the middle to create a spiral of yellow and white beams that blasts into the enemy.

Tsuki no Hana - Moon Flower : A sweep of her staff creates a storm of moon flower petals, which Airi then sends towards the enemy to trap them in it.
Gesshoku - Lunar Eclipse : Airi swings her staff in a wide circle, while transferring both Sun and Moon energy into the crystal ball at the top. When she stops, it releases a spiral of yellow and white beams that blast into the enemy.
Dangan no Kaben - Petal Bullets : Airi summons her storm of moon flower petals, but this time causes them to condense with one another and form bullets. She loads these into the crystal ball of her staff and shoots at will.
Tsuki no Hime, Kaguya - Moon Princess Kaguya : Airi literally summons the Moon Princess Kaguya from her home on the moon. Kaguya uses her pink silk scarves to catch the enemy in her grasp, then casts lunar spells on them that deal status damage, health damage, or illusions, in which the enemy becomes confused.

{ Body Type } Witch

____/// The Puppeteer ::

{ Posting Colors } Orange, Silver
{ Gaia Username } Kari Otogi

User Image____/// Basic Information::

{ Full Name } Ivy Aimée Hargreaves
{ Nicknames } Vee or Vivi
{ Age } 19
{ Gender } Female
{ Race } Human- of French and English decent
{ Sexuality } Heterosexual
{ Role } The Lovable Vixen

____/// When I Look into The Mirror::

{ Character Appearance } Everyone in the South District is skinny (from lack of food or otherwise), but Ivy's petiteness is natural, partially due to genes and partially due to the training she imposes on herself. At her tallest she stands at 5'8", the perfect height to hug a taller person and reach up to his/her collarbone, and to bend over to hug a small child that's running to her without getting banged in the head. She has a rosy complexion on her pale skin that rarely goes away, since it seems to like to complement her soft toned bronze-brown hair, half of which is always put up, the rest left down to caress her shoulder. Her burgandy eyes are set just so on her face to emphasize their sparkle when she gets mischievous.
Her genetics, among the other things they blessed her with, also graced her with a curvaceous body. While many rumors go around that Ivy-being a relatively young bar owner/barista at age 19- looked like a slut of sorts, with a rack the size of the North District, it isn't so. Ivy actually has a modest bosom, not enough to be called a slut, but just enough to attract attention. Her hips are a little wide for her petiteness, but she finds that more often than not, it's useful to bounce one of the many toddlers and small children she babysits on the side, including her baby sister.
Despite her cheerful personality, she loves wearing dark clothes. To her, it keeps her inconspicuous (supposedly) on the streets. The 'goth' style seems to work well with her- Ivy can often be seen wearing chains, fishnets, lace-up articles of clothing, zippers, knee-high boots with buckles, and chokers. Most of her clothes are body-hugging or tight. And denim and leather always look good on her; an added plus for her is that it's durable stuff too. She prefers jeans to skirts, since it allows for freedom of movement.
A personal accessory that she keeps on her person at all times is a ring, sometimes worn as an earring or as a necklace. The red swirl is a family symbol sorts, given to her by her parents when she was a girl of 10.

{ Personality } Despite her dark clothes, Ivy's character is one of cheerful, bright, and occasionally mischievous nature. She always has some kind of smile on her face, whether kind or sarcastic, no matter what the situation. At times the smile is there to throw off people from her true emotions, and sometimes her smiles vary in appearances from mood to mood. It's because of this that you can never really tell what's on her mind- she always has some sort of barrier up; but almost all of the time, her smiles are genuine.
Ivy can be as stubborn as a bull from everything to her beliefs in political matters to when the children she's babysitting go to bed, and has a sharp wit. If there's one thing that can be said about her, it's that she doesn't hesitate in anything she does- she thinks it through quickly, then acts accordingly. She is confident in what she does and how she does it, and seldom is wrong about her decisions. When she is, she learns from her mistakes humbly, then bounces back at full force, smiling and ready to go. Similarly, relationship-wise, strangers get the 'okay until deemed otherwise' verdict. When she finds someone she can trust, she thinks very highly of them and think they can do no wrong, and is loyal to them and anyone else she knows personally, almost to the point of being sacrificial.
If you do manage to be one of the people who have deceived her, watch out: her mind is genius when it comes to revenge. When at its mildest, it could be called being mischievous and prankster-like, but at its worst...it's like they say, "Hell hath no fury like a woman's wrath".
Having experienced much of the dramas that life has to offer on relationships, she knows a lot on how to comfort. Ivy can be very sensitive and in touch with the feelings of others around her, able to sense situation changes, especially in children. In times like these she turns gentle, concerned, and understanding. Her 'older sister' role takes over, and she willingly embraces anyone who needs the proverbial shoulder to cry on.

{ Background Check } Contrary to popular belief, Ivy had not been born in the South District. She'd actually been born in the North District, then moved to the South District with her parents when she was just five. Why would someone willingly move from the North District to the South District, especially when they had young child? Ivy never found out her parents' reason, but she suspected it had something to do with her strict grandmother Dolores Hargreaves (threatening to take her away from her parents if they didn't move into her house in the South District seemed like something Ivy's grandmother would do). At any rate, South District is where she grew up, and grew up she did. She quickly learned the harsh realities of life: poverty, starvation, corruption, and death. In a place like that, there's no chance for you unless you knew some form of self-defense to fend off robbers, rapists, and kidnappers. Even the children knew some sort of self-defense, so the first thing that Emily and Jacques Hargreaves had Ivy learn was gymnastics and acrobatics, so she wouldn't have to get into a confrontation with anyone- she could just somersault her way out.
Life went relatively well for the Hargreaves, despite the way things were around them. She still went to school like other children, still got near raped like other little girls. She matured into a beautiful young woman with much potential as a writer in the North District, and as she neared her high school graduation, she was thrilled to learn her parents would be having another little girl- Callista (Callie) Elizabeth Hargreaves. When the little girl was born, there was a giant celebration for her arrival, and Ivy looked forward to a happy life with her family...until her parents' car accident six months later. Ivy grieved deeply, for both her parents and her future in North District. She believed that her grandmother sensed the loss of self-confidence in herself, so the old woman started teaching her savate- French kickboxing. At the time she hadn't understood why her previously cold grandmother started teaching her this fighting style, but she now realizes that those actions allowed Ivy to gather herself together and realize what she needed to do now.
Ivy's grandmother disappeared suddenly without so much as a goodbye, when Ivy was eighteen. She left only a legal document stating that the bar Seventh Heaven that had belonged to her, and everything in the bar, now belonged to her eldest granddaughter Ivy Aimée Hargreaves.
This was Ivy's chance to start life over, even if it wasn't the life of her choosing. She accepted what might've been her grandmother's last gift to her, and started the business anew. The money that had been stashed away in the wine cellar was enough to get the business on its feet, and from there Ivy flew. The first month was difficult, as customers tried to get used to this very young, still child-young barista and her tiny sister Callie, but eventually Ivy started seeing regular customers, and made friends out of each and every one of them. Some of her married patrons even allowed her to babysit their children while they were away, since she was so good with kids. The extra money put Callie through school, and kept the both of them happy with small treats like short visits to North District's amusement parks or a new clothes for both of them.
In this first month was also when she met Kira, though Ivy doesn't know it to this day. She had never seen the man before, but the feeling she got from him was one of familiarity. He'd sat down at one of the booths, watching her, and just as she was about to come over to take his order, he got up and left. Ivy has now forgotten about the mysterious man's visit, but she may be meeting up with him again sooner than she knows...
This is how Ivy has been living for the past year and a half. The only thing she wishes she could've done differently is thank her grandmother for all she'd done for them- without Seventh Heaven, the two Hargreaves sisters might've been out on the streets.
The recent happenings with the Fakes has Ivy worried. With Callie going to kindergarden everyday, she won't be able to protect her sister if there were to be an attack. She's taken to keeping a few of her cats (both her pets and the Ash Cats) in Callie's bookbag to keep her safe (or at least give her a chance to escape) should the unthinkable happens.

{ Likes }
+Children : She's always been a rather motherly figure to the neighborhood children because of her kindness and comforting presence. Plus, they're so adorable and childish. The realities of life haven't affected them yet.
+Mixing/Creating drinks : Gotta keep the customers coming, plus, trying her own creations makes for very interesting results when she becomes delightfully drunk.
+Seventh Heaven : To her, it is actually a bit of heaven away from the rest of the South District. This is her home, her customers her adoptive family.
+Callie : Her baby sister is all she has left of her family.
+Sweets : It's seldom that she gets dessert foods and candy because of her budget (almost all of her groceries go to the bar, the rest is for her and Callie). She loves anything with chocolate, especially dark chocolate.
+Pop/Rock/Soft Rock Music : Ivy likes mainstream music, loud music, and romantic music. Eclectic tastes, no?
+Potatoes : ...It's her comfort food?
+Writing/Reading : She doesn't consider herself a novelist (even though she has the potential to be one), but she likes imagining stories in her head and writing them down. Being wide-read has made her a great storyteller among the children.
+Cats : Ivy keeps several cats around the bar. All of them are strays she's taken in and house-broken. They help keep the rats far, far away from her bar.
+Plushies : They were a piece of her childhood, and still still has all of the ones from her collection so many years ago.

User Image{ Dislike }
+Unruly Customers : It's a bar, so she understands horseplay and drunken fun, but if a fight breaks out, she'll be there with the gloves on, ready to smack some sense into her customers.
+War and Death : It's a depressing topic that brings up painful memories. You can do nothing more than live. Your death will come when it does.
+Rats : Disgusting little creatures. She doesn't need them crawling around the bar.
+Closed-Minded People : They can be so frustrating, and Ivy finds more often than not that their ideals conflict with her own open-minded beliefs.
+Wasting : Being a South District girl, where people do without on a daily basis, waste to her is a sad thing.
+Fighting : It's necessary in her lifestyle and the battles to come, but sometimes it makes Ivy question why she lives.

{ Theme Songs }
We Are One Tonight {Switchfoot}
It's Not Over {Daughtry}
Final Distance (Techno Remix) {Utada Hikaru}
Does Anybody {Amy Pearson}
Dreams of an Absolution {Lee Brotherton}

____/// Everybody loves Kung-Fu Fighting!::

{ Weapons } For hand-to-hand combat, all she really utilizes is her leather fighting gloves and her thick soled boots. She also has a set of swords- one with corroded edges named Protecteur Irrégulier (Jagged Protector), the other sharp with a slanted cut for a tip, the Ange de Clémence (Angel of Mercy). These two are connected together by a heavy chain, whose end is wound around her upper left arm for stability. These swords need a special uniform, since her street clothes can't handle the weight of the weapon. When she's not using her swords, they stay strapped to her thighs on special sheathes.
{ Fighting Style } Having grown up a street fighter, Ivy still carries many of her street fighting mannerisms into battle with her. She has mastered other forms of hand-to-hand combat fighting, such as karate and judo, to supplement her childhood defensive combat fighting of gymnastics and acrobatics. Her signature fighting style, savate, is French kickboxing that emphasizes strong footwork like roundhouse kicks and foot jabs.
{ Abilities } Ivy specializes in Fire magic, so many of her attacks incorporate fire with her punches, kicks, and her chain swords. Otherwise, she uses creative gymnastic and aerobatic attacks with them.

Fire Tornado : Ivy connects the two handles of Protecteur Irrégulier and Ange de Clémence together to fuse them, then takes the chain that connects them and spins the joined swords in a wide circle. By adding fire to the whirling vortex, she can literally create mini tornadoes and send them swirling towards her enemy.
Ash Cats : Ivy first creates ashes by burning some nearby material, then sweeping her chain swords over the cinders, the wind creating the ashes. The ashes form multiple cats, or one giant cat, which Ivy sends bits of her Soul Core so as to retain its own life-force and attack the enemy.
Flaming Fists : Ivy clenches her fists and sends her Soul Core into her fingers and feet, allowing her to use Fire magic on them without burning herself. They burst into flames, and Ivy can then unleash a barrage of furious punches and kicks on her enemy, with the added damage of the fire.
Dragon's Breath : By taking a deep breath, some of Ivy's Soul Core goes into her lungs. When she blows the air out, a strong blast of fire comes from her mouth.
Phoenix's Flight : Ivy crouches, then propels herself upwards as far as she can go (if she wants to go higher, she may attempt to jump onto building roofs). As she comes back down headfirst, she twists her body into spinning, then outstretches her chain swords to create a drill effect. As she comes closer to the ground, fire bursts at the tip of the swords, and then she slams down into her target.
Meteor Strike : Ivy sends some nearby boulder or rubble flaming and flying towards the enemy, then charges at the enemy after it with Flaming Fists.
Sun Storm : Ivy starts spinning in a dance-like manner, fire swirling around her as she starts getting faster. Soon enough she is engulfed in fire. When she stops, the energy is released and flung in all directions at her enemies.

{ Body Type } Soldier

____/// The Puppeteer ::

{ Posting Colors } Red, Dark Red
{ Gaia Username } Kari Otogi

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