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My Stories
This is my journal, I will write my stories in here. I am working on one right now called Koza. Feel free to comment on my works. I love to hear what people are thinking of my stories.
Chapter Two, Koza
Bernadette was stunned. How had he guessed. She worked so hard to keep it a secret. Bernadette stood up her dress was a pale blue silk, it touched the floor past her feet. James turned toward Bernadette her face stricken.
“How did you know” her voice nothing but a whisper.
Everything was silent for a few minutes. Neither said a word.
“I know because I am Koza, my family was the founder of the Koza society” He stood at the fireplace.
“How long have you known”.
“since the night I tried to seduce you four years ago.” He was ashamed. He knew for so long, that was why he was so attracted to her. That is why he wanted to be with her. He hardly knew her. He did not lover her. But he must also fulfill the family bloodline. The other members of his family is some part Koza. The strongest of Koza society. Bernadette was also very strong, so strong that he could not even name her power.
Yet he could learn to love this women sitting in front of him. The one with the big blue eyes, dressed in a simple, yet slightly revealing dress that was the same shade of blue as her eyes.
Oh yes he could easily love this person.
“How could you have known.”
“I told you that is my Koza gift. I can sense and tell you what your gift is. I can also fight quite well too.” He gave a half smile.
“so what do you think my gift is?” She was mocking him.
“That is just it though, I cant tell you what yours is.” He walked back over to the chair she offered him earlier and sat down. “Your power is too strong for me to pick up. “
Bernadette studied him. She looked at his brilliant green eyes, all she saw was confusion. And maybe, no it could not be , was It desire she saw in those green depths of life.
“Why do you care so much about my Koza power and my interests in the cave?”
“Bernadette a guy was killed up there and it could have been you. The man was found in the same cavern as us. The same night. Only I hour after we left the man was killed. If anyone recognized us going up to the cave we should both be in danger. James temper started to grow.
“ I knew that the only reason you went up there is because it had something to do with your power.”
Bernadette slowly stood up. She was still fairly weak form the sickness that had taken her for the past 2 weeks.
You are right about me going up to the cave, and you are right about me being part Koza. But my powers led me there.”
He was baffled and why was she speaking in rhymes? Her powers led her there, he would have to think about that another time.
“Bernadette I believe you need to sit down you are growing pale.” Was she pale from standing up for so long or was she scared. Maybe all of this news was a shock to her.
“Bernadette please sit down. You need to sit down.” James stood next to Bernadette, hands on her shoulders. “Just sit down.”
Bernadette slowly found her seat again.
“I should not have bothered you with the news. You are still not feeling yourself yet.” James removed his hands and started walking over towards the door.
“ It was not the news that disturbed me…It’s if you will keep my secret that I am worried about” Bernadette murmured.
James turned around to face her yet again. “ you are scared that I wont keep your secret. I will keep your secret although I don’t know all of it yet. Will I ever know all of it?” James asked.
“ Only when I know that I can trust you.” Bernadette returned.
James just nodded his head and walked out.

Another week passed and James only returned to see how Bernadette was fairing. Bernadette walked down the main stairs of her country home, her favorite for it offered peace and quite to her which she did not have when she lived in London. So many balls, and other gatherings that she just was not into. They were just unneeded, and boring as all hell.
Her country homes was simple, marble floors, tall ceilings, chandlers in every room, and antique furniture. She loved collecting pieces from all over the continent of Europe and putting them in the house. It is like having Europe in your home.
Her house keeper Mrs. Nelson waited at the landing, “will you be going for a ride Bernadette.?” she asked in her sweet tone of a voice.
“Yes I am. Please tell the grooms that I would like to have Penelope waiting for me in twenty minutes. I will be on the private trail if any one will come calling you can send them out there or they can wait in the parlor if they choose to.”
“ yes ma’am. When will you be home.?”
“Oh within the next couple of hours.”
Bernadette retrieved her riding gloves from the side table next to where a vase full of her favorite flowers sat. She never recalled getting any. Mrs. Nelson walked back into the room.
“Mrs. Nelson where did these flowers come from.”
“ Oh those are from his lordship, Lord Alister.”
“Oh, Mrs. Nelson please take these up to my room. She looked down at the dragonlillys again. They would look great next to the bed. “ Mrs. Nelson picked up the vase of flowers and rushed up the stairs.
Bernadette walked over towards the stables where her horse was already saddled. A groom rushed forward to help her into the saddle.
“ Thank you.”
Bernadette raced towards her private path.

James entered Bernadette’s country town house. Mrs. Nelson was dusting a vase in the entry room. “Mrs. Nelson is Bernadette home?” Mrs. Nelson dropped the vase out of fright. It shattered into a million pieces on the marble floor.
“ Oh I am so sorry.” Mrs. Nelson turned around to face James. “It is just you my lord.” her hand went up to her bosom. “ No she just went riding, you may join her on her private path if you would like.”
“ that sounds wonderful I think I will take you up on the offer.” James turned back toward the front door when he spied the empty side table. She wouldn’t be so mean as to throw out a perfectly lovely gift. Especially when they were her favorite.
Well whatever she did with them it was none of his concern.
James got back on his lovely black mustang and headed out towards the private path.

Bernadette slowed her horse to a walk. Her riding hat flew off a couple miles back. Looks like she will have to back track.
Bernadette came to the pond where she got off and tied her horse to a near by tree. The horse ducked his head and started to drink.
Bernadette sat down next to her horse. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.

“There she is.”
“I don’t see her.”
“She is right there.” a grubby little finger pointed through a shrub not far away from where Bernadette napped.
“ Wow she is a pretty little thing ain’t she?”
“ No wonder the boss wants her.”
“Now you know he wants her for her power.”
“ he might keep her for bedding to o. if he wont then I will.”
One of the men shoved the other until he fell on his side.
“ So you have the sack and rope?”
“ Yes sir.”
“ Then lets go.” 2 burly men came out of the shrub ready to bound and gag Bernadette. They tip-toed to where she slept. In one quick motion they were on top of her. Bernadette woke suddenly, she started screaming wildly.
“ be quiet lady, we are not going to hurt you.”
“Scrawny watch out!” One of the two men hollered. Scrawny was knocked sideways by a pair of black Hessian boots. The other man got the bag around Bernadette’s head and picked her up and started running away from the man that they were warned about.
Then something clicked behind him, pain shot through his back, he dropped Bernadette, and then dropped to his knees from death.

James landed beside Bernadette, she stopped moving once she hit the ground.
Maybe I should not have shot the guy when he was still holding Bernadette. But he needed to stop the man. James untied the sack, unbound her arms and feet then undid the gag that was fastened on her porcelain like face. She was pale but still breathing. “Oh Bernadette.” he whispered. James scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the tree where she fell asleep. “ Please wake up my sweet. James touched her face, Bernadette moaned.
James shrugged out of his jacket and placed it on the ground. He laid Bernadette’s head on it.
“ Shhhhh…. It is okay you are safe.” James ran his fingers through her golden trusses.
Bernadette moaned again.
James reached for Bernadette.
“ Oh my love please.” her color was coming back , that was good.
Bernadette opened her eyes. Then instantly shut them again, tears ran down her cheeks.
“ Bernadette why are you crying.”
James looked down her body, his eyes landed on her wrist. Something was sticking out. He gently took her wrist in his hands, and tried to pried her sleeve back. It would not budge. James took out his pocket knife and tore the sleeve. Her bone was broken he could tell that right away. He did not want to touch it in case it suddenly tore the skin exposing the bone to the outside world. He could not let that happen she could bleed to death if the bone was exposed.
“ Shhhhh. Bernadette. I need to go get the physician can you stay here and yell if anything happens. But try not to move that wrist of yours.” She nodded slowly.
James stood up and ran to his horse. He looked over at Bernadette for a quick second then turned his horse and ran at a fast pace.

James returned with the physician about an hour later. The physician asked if James would mind staying at her house to help her with every thing. Reading, writing, lifting, anything. James was thrilled, he gets to spend time with her. Learn what she does, and maybe learn what her power is and hopefully have some time to woe her.
James got her back to her country estate. Mrs. Nelson was ecstatic that James would be staying in the house as a guest to help Bernadette out. Bernadette’s maid would not be able to help out do to the child she just gave birth to a week ago.
James stayed in the room attached to Bernadette’s, even though the room is supposed to be used as the masters chamber it was the only room that was close to Bernadette’s so she could call if she needed anything.
James walked to the connecting door and stopped. Maybe he wont use this door. Bernadette had a rough time as it was today he did not want to startle her anymore. James turned around and headed out of his room. He turned into the door right next to his and knocked.
“ Come in” a quiet voice said. James opened the door part way and saw Bernadette at her vanity. Her right arm in a sling to keep the bone in place. She faced him , dark circles rested beneath her crystal blue eyes. She seemed vulnerable. And oh so appealing. “ James!” She smiled at him. James smiled back.
“ How is your arm?”
“ Fine thanks to you.”
James strode to stand beside her. “ What are you doing.” He looked at the ink, quill, and piece of parchment that she was trying to use to hopefully write a letter to her aunt and ask for a maid that she could borrow in hopes of getting dressed in the morning with out the help of James. “ You know you are not supposed to use your hand for anything.” James grabbed all of the parchment ,ink and quills from her room and walked through the connecting door and placed them on his desk in his room. He walked back over to her room. “ Now if you need to write or do anything that involves using that arm. You are to ask me. And the doctor even told the entire household staff knows about it and if they catch you they are to report back to me.”
“ Are you trying to take over my household.” Bernadette asked.
“No I am just making sure that you are taken care of.”
Bernadette rose from her chair. “ I can take care of myself.”
“Oh really, you cant even hold the quill. Your cast is to big and you can hardly move your arm at all, how are you going to be able to do anything at all without me. Just admit it. You need me.”
Exasperated, Bernadette walked out of her own room, leaving James alone.
Bernadette rushed down the flight of stairs toward the main entrance. She reached for her cloak that hung on the coat rack when James hand clasped her wrist.
“Bernadette please. I did not mean for you to make you upset. But you need my help and you know it. But what else made you mad. There has to be something else that made you mad.”
James let Bernadette’s wrist go. “Can we please just go into the library or parlor and talk about this.”
“ I don’t think I would be able to and not throw something at you.” Bernadette said through in between teeth.
James gave her a sincere look. “ please Bernadette.” he gave her a shy smile.
Bernadette slowly nodded her head and James released her wrist. Bernadette put her cloak onto the peg, and turned and walked past James and into the library.

Bernadette was hot. She could not believe James had the audacity to embarrass her like that. It was already bad enough for her to admit that she needed him for day to day life. But to say it in such a vile manner was just mean.
James quietly walked into the library about ten minutes later. Bernadette was seated behind her desk. Her useless arm was by her side. The other one contained her head.
This is going to be a long few weeks.
“Bernadette….I’m sorry.” James walked over to wear she sat and kneeled down. He put his hand on her knee. “I truly am sorry”
Bernadette looked down at James. “ I know.” James carefully hugged her.
“Can we just get one thing straight. “ James released her. “ you will not be dressing and undressing me is that clear.” Bernadette smiled. James did too. “Now my servant. Lets get to work looking over my bills and such.” teased Bernadette.

This past week ,James thought, is going marvelously. James ran both his and Bernadette’s financial business.
Bernadette did not just have good looks he concluded as he went into the garden to meet Bernadette for some tea. She was also extremely intelligent and kind. She always thought of her servants when ever she made a major decision. She was amazing. And perfect. Too bad it took him this long to realized how much in love with her he was.
James turned a corner in the luscious garden and found Bernadette lounging in a settee chair a book in one hand and a tea cup in the other. She wore her usual blue Muslim dress, trimmed with white French lace, high waist and floor length. Her dress always were a bit too long. But she was so exquisite. So…nothing described her. She was all to perfect.
James strode up to her. “ may I sit?”
Bernadette looked up at him. She smiled, nodded her head and continued to read her book. James sat down, and poured himself some tea.
Of course Bernadette would not be shocked, she senses presence. But only the ones in which she is connected with, and with him it was not a good connection.
“ what book are you reading.” James began to move his head so he could read the title.
“ the lost city of Egypt.” They have found the great pyramids of Egypt and they are fascinating.” Bernadette’s eyes lit up with the talk of history and the antiques involved.
“ you cant stay away from antiques for long can you.”
“nope.” she grinned.
“ Would you care to take a turn around the garden” James asked.
Bernadette nodded her head and started to get up. James came around on her good side and took her hand. They walked for a while and talked about the next shipping investment when James suddenly stopped.
“ what’s wrong.” Bernadette asked. She studied James.
James sighed. “ I was wondering what you planned on doing when your arm got better.”
Bernadette had not thought about that. She could not think of her life without him in it. She wanted to say that she loved him so much but was unable to do it. She wanted to be sure of his feelings for her first. But what if she never got a chance.
“ I don’t know. I have not thought about it. But I don’t think I could live with you out of my life.” there she said it. She looked over at James again. His eyes were wide his mouth was open. Oh god she made a huge mistake she should never have told him anything. She should have ran and get far away from here. But then she was confused because he quickly pulled her in front of him and up hard against his body. “ “what on earth are you doing” she looked up with him with confused eyes.
“You feel that way do you truly feel that way.” James asked her softly. He gazed at her, longing in his eyes. Bernadette nodded. “thank god” James mouth came down on hers, moving gently over it. Bernadette slid her hands up his side and around his neck, pulling him closer. A soft moan escaped her lips. The hand at her waist squeezed her. Pulling her closer.
A soft coughed came from behind them. James let Bernadette go and turned around. There stood the house keeper, Mrs. Potter.
“Sorry about that Mrs. Potter, but Bernadette just agreed to marry me.” He grinned boyishly at the Housekeeper.
“umm, congratulations. I just wanted to let her know that she just received a note. “She handed James the note and he handed it to a flushed Bernadette.
Bernadette opened the note. She skimmed it once, mouth wide open, read twice, her bad hands was pressed to her chest, she read it a third time, then screamed.
James turned behind her and grabbed the note from out of her hands. He turned towards Bernadette, “ Someone knows about your power.” His voice in shock. Bernadette squeaked. He looked over at Bernadette, she was paler then even before, and she seemed so fragile. He pulled Bernadette into his arms. “It is okay darling I wont let them hurt you. “ James said into her hair. Bernadette shivered. He tightened his arms around her. Lets get you into the library, and have some sherry.

phoebe girl 16
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