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Chapter 6 :redemption

The door opened and a bell rang as they entered the police academy. Hans steped up to the counter and placed his hand on the desk wakeing up the man on the staff.
"what can I get you kiddies?" he said lazily "kitty stuck in a tree? someone ripped of your loli..." he opened his eyes and looked at both Koura and Hans. he leaned over the desk and pulled his hat off his head. "I'll let you in on a little secret here..." he said softly "you need to be older than you are now and you need to be tougher before you can be a Police cadet." he said with a chuckle. Koura glared at him. She didn't apriciate his comment as she slid her finger down her ribbon and slamed her gauntlet down on the desk.
"Now Koura that's a bit ext..." she shot Hans a Glare and he shut up.
"listen I don't care what the job is I just want to help people" she said softening her tone halfway through the sentence. "be it rebuilding destroyed property to helping cat's in trees, I just want to help." The officer looked at her as the sun through the window gleamed off of her Golden armor. He scribbled a few things down and handed Koura a Slip of paper.
"Go here" he said shortly, it was obvious he wanted to go back to his nap.
"I want to help too." Hans said feeling left out. The officer scribbled a few more notes down before handing Hans a similar piece of paper.
"off with you now. your Jobs are on the paper" he said before pulling his hat over his eyes and leaning back. He was snoring before the even left the building.

Koura and Hans's first job was to help rebuild Neo Arcadia's main park. From there they were sent to rebuild other parts of the city. Hans's Main job was usualy heavy lifting where as Koura few supplies to the other workers and Air lifted objects when the needed to be. The next Sector to be rebuilt was Sector Phi7. Koura held Hans's hand on the threshold for the sector. They looked down Ausi bolevard and Koura had and empty feeling in her chest. She released his hand and walked over to the ruins of her house. She looked at the door swinging from it's hindge. Just as harpuia had left it when he found her. She walked inside. The boot and hand were gone. Someone had taken care of the dead. Koura then looked down on the ground and she saw a red spot on the floor. Her own blood, dried and cracked on the floor. This is where she lost it all officialy.
"Is somthing wrong Koura?" hans asked concerned as Her legs began to wobble out from under her. Hans caught her and looked at her worried. "what is it?" Koura gazed at him emptily.
"this...this was my house." she said, Hans looked around and saw all the events that had happened by putting two and two together. He saw the dried pool, The spatters from under the kitchen table and he Held Koura tightly. "we can pick another house if you want" he said, Koura only shook her head as she got up and began cleaning the rubble out. She was silent during the whole project But eventualy the house looked almost new.

Koura looked over in the pile of rubble that had been pulled out of her old house and saw her family photo. She was only 9 in that picture and she was smiling a big, Huge grin that all kids do at some point. In the picture she sat on her Father's shoulders and her mother was leaning into her father kissing him on the cheek. in the background was the Park that was across the way. Koura looked over at the reminants of the park then glanced again at the picture. there was an Oak tree in the background but in the park there were no more trees. How the world had changed, How she had changed. she looked at her hand and examined her armor. She walked into the destoryed park with the picture and sat down on what she though was the chared stump of the oak tree in the picture. Hans walked over and sat next to Koura who broke into tears.
"Hans...I can't see the silver lineing in this. I'm so sorry" She said. Hans held her tightly but his attention was turned bu a dark figure that resembled Neo shade dashing off into the distance. It was laughing as it leaped onto a building and stared at them. It had to be her, it had the same laugh. Loura glanced over and saw the figure too. she got up and dashed after her. Hans ran his fingers down his stripes and followed close on Koura's heels. Just as Koura caught up one of the cods ziped down and alley. The same alley koura used as a short cut to get to school. she rounded the corner but Neo was already inside the school.
"Neo wait up damnit. I haven't repaied you for the damaged you caused me." Koura yelled angerly at the figure who had rounded the way into the school's library. Neo didn't stop untill she stood next to a figure that resembled Piro. She handed him a white mask thta looked like what should be the other half of hers. The figure turned around.

"Piro?" Koura asked. The boy chuckled and stood up a cloak covered the exposed half of his face making it difficult to see. He was much Taller than Piro had been but he had a similar stature.
"I'm not my Brother" he said. "I am Euquine" a long pause followed. Hans drew his sword and pointed it at Neo.
"How are you still alive?" he asked. Neo only laughed as her master spoke.
"I'm going to make you a deal. In 3 Hours Project END will be activated in the wetest place in Italy. And before you ask END stands for Eternal Neural Destruction. I'm going to show the world my Pain." He said before warping out. Neo stayed behind. She looked playfuly at Koura and Hans and she noticed the necklace.
"aww are you two going out now?" she asked innocently enough before dashing behind both of them and pushing them together. "I'd sudgest you spend your last few Hours together Happy because in the end END will still be activated." She tapped the Glass heart and jumped out of the school.
"END..." Koura said
"END." Hans replied "are you going to finish what you started?" he asked
"what did I start?
"your self redemption" he awnsered "or did you forget last night?" Koura turned vivid red.

They sat in the transfer room of the resistance base awaiting the coordinates to be set. Ceil walked in and began typing furriously.
"sorry I can't help more" she said "I've been working on a project for a while now and Ireally want to finish. Hopefuly this 'Project END' is just a bluff." she finished typing. "ready for transfer?" Koura and Hans nodded and they steped onto the platform. Hans wrpaed his hands around Koura's waist and they vanished.

Chapter 7 END

Venice, Italy was very different now. all the old buildings that were part of the original city were half submerged into the water due to their sinking foundations. The new buildings hovered above the old setlement Avoiding the water below which had still remained crystal clear throughout the years. Euquine was smart to put it here. No one would ever guess that such a horrible thing could exist.
"we should split up to search." Hans sudgested "I'll stay near the buildings and you take to the sky." Koura spread her blades open and flew off. She examined the layout of the city. She saw the grand Cannal which now resembled a canyon due to the buildings surounding it. She couldn't see anything untill she caught a glimpse of Neo jumping across the water into a half sunk building. Hans was already persueing her. Koura dcked into the building to find Neo standing on Blitz Tigers fallen form. He had scorch marks from where she hit him with her cords. Euquine stood next to a small machine and he smiled.
"tell you what, For finsing me I'll tell you a little story about Piro." he removed his half mask to reveal his partialy deformed face. "This is how I escaped Ragnarok" He pulled off his cloak revealing scars battering his arms and legs that were exposed from the shorts and teeshirt he had under them. He smiled but only the undeformed half reacted. The other half of his face was still.

"My family Imigrated from France after the Political collapse of world war three. Neo Arcadia was our first choice But our folks could never agree. They fought almost constaintly and Piro and I were usualy what they took it out on. Not all of these scars are from Ragnarok. When Weil took over our folk were paniced. Our father wanted to stay but mother wanted to leave and if mother wasn't happy no one was. Piro snaped from the pressure one day and ran out the front door. He Lived on the street for a while. it's probably where he picked up the coat you remember him wearing."
"how do you know what he was wearing" Koura asked now currious as to what Euquine had to say dispite him being nothing but a Psychopath in her mind.
"he had a funeral you know." Euquine said Koura was taken aback by the fact. She must have been under construction at the time. How could she have missed such a preacous thing. "we found out he was missing when we were out for a walk. Yes that's right my folks didn't even notice he was gone untill 2 days after because they were too busy fighting and they wouldn't listen to me. We saw him sneaking into one of the resistance Vans. When I pointed it out to Mama and Papa they Ignored me and told me to stop hallucinating because Piro was still at home. It was only upon return that they noticed I was right. from there we lived in a declining state as Neo Arcadia began to collapse around us. When ragnarok happened I was happy, Though I now bear the burden of being different I get to enjoy retribution against my parents sins." He pointed to two people sitting in a corrner frightened. Their eyes were melted shut by scars and They wore only pillow cases, They also had no hair because the blast had singged the roots. "look at them" he Said scoffing " pittiful, Vile, and desgusting creatures and also Mine and Prio's Parents. Look how they cringe at the mention of his name and at Mine." he walked over and kicked one of them "Remember me Father" he spat out "I'm your little Euquine the one you promised you would always care about! Now what? are you going to try to cast me off like you did To my Brother?"
"Stop it!" Koura yelled "that isn't right, Yes they were horrible people but doing this isn't any better" Euquine stared at Koura his damaged eye still focused on his parents.
"your right" he said "but this will!" He Grabed the small machine that was Project END and turned it on next to them. They twitched a little as their nervous system was disentegrated and then they were still. Their exposed skin became purple from the internal bleeding.
"You b*****d!" Koura yelled drawing her bladed whips and hurling them at END. It punctured through the machine. Euquine stood motionless and shocked.
"Neo Shade come to me..." he said, Neo responded and walked over to her master allowing Hans to get up. Hans dusted himself off and stood next to Koura. The two sides faced off.
"My brother looked up to you like a sister. He even gave his life for you. Tell me Koura how can you repay HIM. Especialy after you were reckless and ran into Ragnarok's blast like the fool you are?" Koura stared at Euquine.
"by not letting you win" she awnsered. Euquine Walked over to a table and picked up a thin Light sword which he spun around a few times. Neo then dashed to Hans and kicked him into the wall sending him through it.
"It's all your fault Koura, If he hadn't cared about you...he would still be around."
"THAT'S NOT TR..." Koura collapse Euquine had thrown the saber through Koura's crest and the Red oil was forming a river. he walked over to her and steped on her still moving chest. Hans dashed back in but stopped at he saw Koura on the ground. He drew his sword and dahsed at Euquine. Neo blocked his way and thrust her Cords through him while sending charges through them. He fell to his knees helpless to watch as Euquine pulled his sword out of Koura and stabbed her again, and again, and again. he kicked her over and decided to watch her die slowly. Hans slowly got to his feet and walked over to Koura. Neo simply let him as she watched him Take Koura in his arms.

"I love you." She said as she grabbed his face mask and pulled it down. She sat up slightly and Kissed him as Euquine Walked out of the building.
"Neo...Blow it to hell." he said as he left. Neo simply smirked as Koura drew one last sharp breath. Hans began to cry.
"NOOOOOOO!" he shouted "when all I had left to live for is gone...you were there." He embrased her just as the building began to crumble around them and the water level began to rise. He collapsed the wounds inflicted by Neo taking their toll. He Embrased Koura with the last of his strength as the water poured over their heads and they were separated by the debris falling around them.
"when all you had left to live for is gone. is the end near?" he asked himself as a wall collapsed on him and he died.

Neo stood on one of the artificial beaches and the tide came in. She glanced down and saw a glass heart pendant with a silver lineing.
"you were a brave and tragic soul..." she said as she looked to her master who was rebuilding END. "should I let you die in Vain?" she said looking down to the pendant she shook her head and tossed the gem out to the sea before plungeing her cords into END.
"Why would you do something like that?" Euquine asked calmly but clearly pissed.
"I'm not helping you anymore." she said. Euquiine laughed.
"aww did the reploid go soft on me?" he said with a fake cutesie tone. He drew his sword and Shoved it into Neo Shade. "I built you I can take you apart." he said.
"Not if I take you down with me..." she said as she pressed her Insigina and sent out an SOS signal to the local police. "it's over Euquine." she said. The french Boy then kicked his creation to the ground and ripped of one of the arms and let the Oil flow. he plunged his sword into her Mask.
"No good traitor." he said as he saw the life leave her eyes. he then looked over to where the building Hans and Koura rested eternaly use to be and then to the street. He saw Police cars begining to file in. He glanced at his blade then shoved it into himself. He keeled over and turned the sand red.

Months passed and the police investigation was underway. Koura and Hans were reported as missing. The events of Project END were over and somewhere in the sky Piro was smileing and laughing with Koura who was with Hans hand in hand. Ceil was working with the police to solve the crimes commited by Euquine and on the sandy shore where his body was found. Ceil picked up the Heart pendant which has found it's way back again. She handed it to Harpuia and the other guardians.
"what do you make of this?" she asked
"They died fighting." Harpuia said as he pointed to a crack in the glass.

The crack ran right through the middle.

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