(Ps: its from our local newspaper in the letters to the editors page)
Upset with library, tattoos and kids
I wonder who is the nuttiest.
Library employees who have noting better to do (paid by taxpayers' money or the kids who want to look like a Third World, tattooed, side-show freak. Obviously, if they were Christians, they would know their body is the temple to the Holy Spirit and should not be defaced. Are these kids so ugly they need decorations on their bodies so others will admire them? I guess so.
Maybe they have too much money and had no better place to spend it. Or their parents have tooo much money and give it to their offspring to blow on whatever is the latest fad so they can spend big money the real thing to people waiting for a customer.
I also wonder about two kids out of a thousand not sounding like anything to some people but maybe they're the only ones that have been caught. Maybe other ones over the years have been more carful and only sold in schools instead of on the street. Maybe the ones buying the drugs sell a few others at a higher price to get someone else hooked. Which adds to the kids getting hooked on drugs problem.
Where on earth do kids get $400 to buy drugs? Do they earn it by working and saving? Do they steal it? Are their parents too busy to notice or care what their kids are up to? Why do kids need drugs? As someone born before drugs were in school or on the streets, I don't understand why kids want to scramble their brains nowadays. Maybe it's easier than facing the real issues in life.
Who knows.
........... the first paragraph HURT!!! A THIRD WORLD TATTOOED SIDE-SHOW FREAK?????!!!!!!!! ARE WE SO UGLY WE NEED TATTOOES????????What is her problem! We used natural hena, not black hena! This article actually made me cry, everyone in anime club is furious, expecually our president.(I dont know why she rambles on)

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