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Sir Ramthel Durhein

Full Name:
Ramthel Durhein.
Gaia Name:OmegaGlow.
Likes: Unspecified
Dislikes: Unspecified
Age: 21
Title: Sir Ramthel The Wise.
Alignment: Neutral.
Proffession: Philosopher.
Weapon of choice: Spears, but tends to make weapons out of ice in the heat of battle.
Description: Light Blue eyes almost a Sky tone, with Light BLonde hair down to his cheeks leaning mostly towards the left. His skin with a slight Gray tone to it and his complexion was small yet strong and prominent.
Race: Archangel.
Special Abilities: Even though hes a holy being his powers tend to vary according to his mood. As his mood swing so does his personality and the way he reacts to different environments. In battle he tends to create a beam of light on his hands in the shape of blades to pierce his opponents in close combat yet also creates small orbs of light that tend to fly in different directions or straight at the opponent. As his Conscience changes he becomes more cold blooded and ruthless, for some odd reason beams of light pertrude from his back and act as extremities that tend to tie the opponent to disable them and rip them apart. his eyes change color when he changes.

Storyline: As a kid he knew that his destiny was to change the world for good, yet the jealousy and Fear that dwells in man's heart forced the kid to have a horrible childhood. Abused and beaten to incah of death Quite often, Exiled from the townsfolk and the abuse from other children as well as he grew created new feelings he never felt before. these feelings grew every day as time went by till one day these feelings took over Leading to a massacre of an entire school. The children were ripped apart and torn to shreds one by one, the walls tainted with the blood of the innocent children and the floor showed the gore and brutality of what was left of the children. Yet in the middle, a child dressed in white clothes tainted in blood was on his knees crying. After the massacre the townfolk left him alone and began to suspect him, they thought he was the only survivor of the massacre yet something about him wasnt right anymore. After performing deeds of greatness he received the title " Sir ramthel The wise " for his acts of Generosity and his prowess in battle. yet still in him these feelings were dormant and began to wake up once more forcing him to live the life of an Exile to protect the innocent around him.