HEY! whee I have a TRUE 100% REAL story today! It's about my trip back from Arizona to California. That's where I live. sweatdrop
My Nana, Papa, Lethinia(meh sis), and I, Mo, were going to a plane flight back to California from Arizona Pheonix. On the way through the airport, we stopped at the food court because I was starving.
"PAPA! I'M HUNGRY!" Mo yelled, glaring at my rumbling tummy.
"If you were hungry, you should of told me! Fine." Papa looked around. "Oh, there's a Burger King, wanna' go?"
"HECK YESH!" Both Lethinia and Mo cheered as Nana picked out a table.
"OH, PAPA! I'll go up and order with you." Mo smiled, walking into the line. "Great, were next in line!" Mo paused, seeing that the casheress was chewwing gum and rattling some keys and didn't even pay attention to the customer who continued to repeat her orders. "... O-e
"HEY WOMAN!" Papa yelled to the casheress who nearly fell head-over-heels from his yelling. "NEXT IN LINE HERE?!? HELLO?" Finally, Papa got himself a whopper and looked down at Mo, seeing that she was muttering over the kiddie meals, only being 12.
Mo suddenly smiled. "Mam, I would like to order-" Mo paused, as the casheress jingled the keys back and forth and chewed her gum. "I would like--" The gum chewing became louder, as so the keys. "I would like--" It nearly felt as if the chewing could SHAKE THE EARTH ITSELF! "WOMAN! COULD YOU PLEASE GIVE ME A MOMENT?!?" Mo yelled, snaching the keys and yelling over the counter. "AS I SAID... I would like a kids meal, cheese burger, no pickles and no musturd... and a coke please?"
Papa pokes Mo's shoulder. "Mo. Can't you get a whooper jr or something? That's only a dollar." Papa pointed to the prices for the Kids Meals.
Mo squinted, looking at the kiddie prices. "WHAT!?! 4.99 FOR A HAMBURGER?!?" burning_eyes Mo glared at the casheress. "THIS IS MADNESS! MADNESS I TELL YOU! I WANT THE MANAGER!"
Papa sighed, paying for the food. Both him and Mo sat at the table waiting for the food as Lethinia and Nana got in line. "ORDER 237! ORDER 237!" Papa smiled, taking the food to the table.
Mo looked at the plate. "Where's my coke? I ordered coke!" Mo looked franticly around. A sign pointed at the soda fountian. NO COKE OR DIET. Mo screamed, flipping the table over as Papa grabbed the food just in time. "NO COKE!?! I'M GOING TO SUE THE AIRPORT! I CAN'T HAVE SPRITE!" Mo glared at the casheress. "IT WAS YOUUUUU!!" Mo tackled the casheress to the ground. "HA-HAAA!!!"
Mo, Papa, Nana, and Lethinia started to unwrap there burgers, except Papa. Papa got a burrito at the Jimboy's Taco's. =3=
Nana blinked, looking at her burger aquardly. "Hmmm..." She shrugged, taking a bite and spitting it out. "EW! IT'S COLD!" Nana threw the burger away, still hungry.
Lethinia looked at the dissatisfied Nana. "Poor Nana." She looked into her bag. "HUH?? WHERE ARE MY FRIES?!?" Lethinia flipped someone elses table over and screamed. "GRAAAAAAAAAARRRR!!"
Mo, who had yet to see what was wrong with her meal, swallowed nervously. "You can do this, Mo... Come on..." She slowly opened the bag, then the burger. The burger was fine, she had fries. She looked at her toy. It was a polly pocket. "WHAT IS THIS?!? I ASKED FOR A BOY TOY!" Mo flipped a airplane over, screaming. "GWAAAAAARRRRRR!!!"
Papa stared at his family. "I guess it's my turn." Papa took a bite of his burrito. Everyone at the table looked at him, waiting for a reply. "AUGHHH!! T-THIS TASTES WONDERFUL!"
Mo and Lethinia snapped at the casheress. "DOOOMMM TOOO YOUUUU!!" They tackled her to the ground... Again.
The casheress was not harmed in any way mentally, fisicly, or virbaly. We just don't like her. *shots bazooka at casheress* NOW she's harmed fisicly.
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Mo's Dinner
This is all about me and what happens when I get dinner...
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that = <3