[Gaia Home] [My Gaia] [Community] [Games] [World] [Contribute]About Me...I don't reveal a lot of personal info on the web. These are mostly things that I've posted elsewhere on Gaia, which I feel give a peek into what I'm about. You can read more about me in
my journal entry from March 13, 2005 ... Here are some (HUGE) excerpts:
Date Posted: 01/13/05
Forum Name: Gaian Gay Community
Thread Title: |-The Member Information Station-|Name: I don't give out my real name or age unless I know you reeeal well and for a long time.
Gender: Male
Age: I still don't give out my real name or age unless I know you reeeal well and for a long time ... I'm over 21. How's that?
Appearance: 6'2" tall, 210 pounds, long brown hair and eyes, trim beard and moustcahe.
What do you dislike: Bad remakes of good movies or songs, violence, bigotry, ignorance, reality TV and rap. All these are on my top ten list of dislikes, though not necessarily in that order.
Date Posted: 03/25/05
Forum Name: E.V.I.L. ReLoaded Guild
Thread Title: Vahrley's Corner - IntroductionsA little(?) about myself:
I'm a collector IRL and it seems to have transferred over to my on-line life. One of my favorite RL collections is music. I have over 1,000 CD's and numerous MP3's which range from classical through every decade of the 20th century, starting with the 1920's to the present. Pretty much the only type of music I'm not into is rap, though country and salsa aren't high on my list either. Most genres are represented in my collection in some way though...
I play piano/keyboards and sing (tenor) plus I love to paint/draw/sketch, sculpt (in clay), write (prose/poetry/lyrics), and I read a lot, especially sci-fi and fantasy. Some fave authors are Stephen King, Anne Rice, Ayn Rand, Terry Pratchett, Tolkien, J. K. Rowling and John Varley, author of a sci-fi/fantasy trilogy (from the 60's, I think) about a world called 'Gaea' (which is an alternate spelling for Gaia), and yes, that's what inspired my user name.
I have a tendency to be excessively silly and have random attacks of verbal diarrhea, not to mention the occasional brain fart. Feel free to tickle me senseless if I go too far.
Silly Quirks: Overuse of exclamation marks!!! And ellipses ... my self-inflicted nickname is:
Points of Suspension Man ... Superhero of Consecutive Dots in Succession!!!
I have several superhero identities, as a matter of fact, so I guess that's another quirk. I also make nutty siggies when isnpired, usually by a conversation with some other Gaian nut case, and finally, I change my avie's clothes often, and frequently alter my font color to match the outfit. So ... ya.
Date Posted: 07/23/06
Forum Name: Chatterbox
Thread Title: Quog's Quest For a Quest (The name changes on occasion.)
(This a self-description written for my friend
s thread - page 1, middle of post 3.)
Having recently received his G.O.D. (General Omnipotence Diploma) from the Institute of Divine, Other-worldly Luminosity (I.D.O.L.), Vahrley is now working towards a Master of the Universe Degree in hopes of achieving complete cosmic dominance in his chosen profession: Lord of All Reality and Everything That Encompasses It. Applications for minionship are now being accepted via PM.
Multimedia game...My multimedia section contains a free game I downloaded from miniclip.com ... it helps me to de-stress.
NOTE: You may have to click on the 'Play' button instead of using the spacebar to move between levels. The space bar should work properly otherwise.
No, I am not a buddhist, I just liked the quote (at the top of this page).
I also like to collect kaleidoscopes, hardcover books and fossils.
I have a tendency to overuse emoticons.
If you've given me something from my Wish List, and I haven't removed it, it's probably because I want more than one. This happens a lot with house items.
Currently questing for:
- Steel-plated Ninja Band
- Chain Wallet
- Jacked-Up Shirt
- Jacked-up Shoes
- Jacked-up Pants
- Jacked-up Gloves
- All the 2k3 Halloween Grab Bags
Linkies...This link will take you to a page in my journal where you can click on other links to visit some of my favorite places on Gaia. Included are links to my quests, stores, homes, alternate Gaia Characters and various silly entries within my journal where you are welcome to post your comments on Gaia events, rate my avatar and more!
Banners...FAQ's...Q: Are you off your medication or does it not help to control your ... er ... episodes?
A: (Wish List last updated on 01/07/07.)
~ Profile theme & art by: Vahrley. ~
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