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Gender: Male

Birthday: 07/14/1996

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sneep snop Report | 07/27/2012 8:10 pm
sneep snop
You disappeared off the face of the planet ! D':
&& I was so looking forward to seeing Maxx and Quinton interract.
Mr Sketchticles Report | 07/22/2012 6:55 am
Mr Sketchticles
I saw you like 'Clockwork Angel', 'Clockwork Prince', & 'The Graceling' as well ^-^ I love those books ^-^ have you read the sequel to The Graceling? I believe it's called 'The Fire' and there's a third called 'Bitterblue' ^-^
prettytaylorhogan Report | 06/21/2012 1:18 pm


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My name is Lewis Bartholomew.
Parents could not decide on a name.
I'm Homosexual
I'm 15 years old.
I live in the frigid Appleton, Wisconsin.
I practically need music to live.
However, I can only sing and even then, that's iffy.
Video Games are the second best thing in my life.
I even Cosplay.
I've been Izaya from Durarara.
I'm working on Hope from Final Fantasy XIII-2.
I enjoy writing.
I'm a tad bit socially awkward.
But please send a message and talk with me!

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