My name is Melissa =3 I preffer Mewmie if you will Or mew but anything works ^w^I LOVE to draw Role Play Talk with my friends and play games (Almost always on gaia WOO) and generally have fun =D especially when making new friends....
I am 17
A girl
I love video games and reading also
Fav Video Games: Resident Evil - Okami - Kingdom Hearts - Monster Hunter - Pokemon ect
want to know more XD I doubt it if so just PM me =3
I also draw any no colored no inked sketched are completly free but if you would like them inked (Meaning the penciled lines have ben done over again with ink and shaded) then it costs depending on the size of the picture and for colored naturally a bit more =3 once the art is done I ill send the file directly to your account's e-mail =3
Deviant Art ID: Mycloud13 <- if you would like to get a sample of my art if you don't like my style then it's ok XD
I also wright fan fictions stories and Bio's of any kind so feel free to ask.
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I miss you. heart
I may have accidentally erased it without reading the reply. gonk