about me

Hello, I am sarah. i feel like i have grown up so much and so fast over the past years that it scares the hell out of me. as much as i want to settle down and take time to enjoy life, i know the clock is ticking and won't stop just for me. in a sad world where pollution, overpopulation, mass extinctions and global climatic change have become common terms, i feel like i've got nothing to lose to try to be whatever i want to be, and to do what i want to do. i think fast, make crazy decisions and hate to be told what to do, or what to think. i'm very independent, but i do depend on certain people and things.
there is absolutely nothing i can do without being judged. its as if everybody has high expectations of me, and it kills me. i'm really not the one who wants to please everybody and change the person i am for them, i treasure being who i really am. i didn't grow up wishing i'd become a celebrity, but rather wished i'd be recognized. i like to express myself through words and music. i say what i think, write what i feel. I get comments from random people that choose to be mean, perhaps jealous. i don't understand how people can be so judgemental. insecurity? possibly. if there is one thing i hate more than anything, it's people judging other people. no one should have the right to do it.
i do not have a clear idea of what id like to do as a job when im older because i like way too many things. i might just try to figure out and pursue a few of my projects, and maybe try to make a living out of it. i enjoy a lot of things in life, mostly simple things. i enjoy watching tv shows(house, skins, ugly betty, gossip gilr), watching movies(p.s. I love you, the bucket list, big fish, running with scissors, pleasantville), listening to some good music(the tings tings, katy perry, adele, robyn, beth, mgmt, a fine frenzy, owl city, air, crystal castles), and reading books. however i only watch dvds, i never watch actual tv. i can't stand all the commercials and most of the stuff they show on tv is so boring! make sure you guys keep sending me comments and messages. tell me whatever you feel like saying.
Myspace= Hapyy Hour= Hacked LOL
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Did you know shes getting married. O::
Yep Yep to her wonderful fiance Scott biggrin
He be amazing. More amazing than any of you d**k heads. O:
He be in da Army. smile
Hes a sexy motha ********. Hes funny too.
I guess I should stop babbling. XD
Wanna see a pic of me wearing his clothes. biggrin
ooooh's I live in TEXAS now. wink
Got me a built in pool in my backyard. biggrin
No one added my new account. Well a couple of my peeps did. (:
I really wanna talk tho.
Yall can text me..
I finally got my own phone.
Well kinda. my bfs mom called me the other night screaming at me. -___- she needs to suck some eggs.
She said I was the one that got her son into pot and s**t when I was the one telling him to stop. I told her that I use to be like highly addicted to drugs but, I found someone very special that got me to stop. (:
Sadly we are not together anymore. I stopped dating for about a year, but now Im dating my wonderful bf James.
Wonderfulll. <333
ANYYWHOO, dont be afraid to add my new account PORNO SCENE. (: Love ya