If you want look at my profile, or hang out at my profile, i have a few simple rules... #1: Shut the ******** up while im talkin, #2: If your one of those little theifs, stay yhe hell away from my pillz, #3: No Masturebating!!! now, im some freak that wants you 2 stay away when im mad at you. plz, shut up if your talkin about dumb s**t! Now, im 12, emo, and pissed. I like popin pillz, cutting, getting high, and doing other ill s**t with my freinds. I dont want 2 talk if your blonde, red, or burnette. if your gay stay away. im staight Ok? I like some one so im not interested. if your working for the president or government, go away. im anarchy. O yeah, im like so into heavy metal and anime, roses, the girl i like at school, and of course, doing ill s**t with my freinds...My dream Avi!

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