About Me

Name~: Taylor.
Age~: 18
Location~: ******** off and die Land, Raped Your Uncousious Body.
Relationship~: Taken Bitches, you snooze you lose.<3

I am an antisocial b***h you dont want to get on my bad side.^-^
I very much dislike it when people call me cute.
I am pretty random at times and places of my life.
I like to make new friends but don't really like it when people add me without asking.
I currently feel like I need a hug<33
I am a failure at life and some times even a failure at breathing, thats how stupid I can get.
Me Me Me Me
Life sucks.
But sometimes you can find treasures among all the sucking, and man you have to dig deep.
Suck my d***o.
; D
Thats all I have to say to you. ^3^
I have proclaimed myself DYSLEXIC~

:~Avi, Art.~:

You can find me at:

Facebook Page


Vampire Freaks Page


Fetlife Page

Hit me up ya c**t raggs.

******** you and have a Horrible day,
