Umm... Hi!

a d dm e s s a g ec o m m e n tt r a d e

Hey there! My name's Synoiren or just Syn for short. :3 I'm a 23-year-old Animation student, and despite my many male avatars, I'm actually female IRL. ^-^; I'm really shy, but once I open up to people I can be quite the extrovert. Hehe... Feel free to add me, if you like. ^.^

So, um... I've been a Gaian since '07? I'm not even sure. I used to be really active but got bored and took a couple years off and now I come back like; "WTF happened to the economy!?"
I miss zOMG! more than anything on this site but I stay to play dress-up with my avi! |3

Anyways, I love drawing, MMOs, industrial and electronic music, and gay men. <3

d e v i a n t A R Tt u m b l rY! G a l l e r y

User Image
Artwork by me! :3

❤ My Babies ❤

I decided to dedicate a space in my profile to my dear characters, including OCs and FCs alike, and also make avatars based on them~ Kinda like dream avis too, because I don't own most items they use... orz but I can dream...

Original Characters (OCs) DeathprooF Serie

ArtemUser Image
the Reaper

Age: 300 +
Gender: Male
Race: Xyrilian
Status: Deathless Bounty Hunter
Personality: Hot tempered, cynical, obstinate,
reckless, sarcastic, foul-mouthed.
Themesong: F*ck That Sh*t - Combichrist

JoulieUser Image

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Terran)
Status: Mysterious sidekick.
Personality: Courageous, timid, kind,
compassionate, caring.
Themesong: Rise - Yoko Kanno ft. Origa

OverlordUser Image

Age: ??
Gender: Male(Genderfluid)
Race: ??
Status: Scientific Genius and Ruthless Tyrant
Personality: Cunning, sly, lewd, sadistic, immoral,
inquisitive, egoistic/megalomaniac.
Themesong: Worlock - Skinny Puppy

Leah Ysveth LangeUser Image
The Empress

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Deilyni)
Status: Benevolent Leader of the Akcis Empire
Personality: Calm, collected, righteous, devoted.
Themesong: Celestica - Crystal Castles

More coming soon...

World of Warcraft related OCs (FCs)

AlzheilUser Image
the Crimson Blade

Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Rogue
Personality: Sly, extremely perverted, sadistic,
nihilistic, egoistic, willful/determined.
Themesong: wateR - ohGr

Sidalja User Image
the Phoenix

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race:Blood Elf
Class: Mage (Fire)
Personality: Quiet, reclusive, inexpressive, shy,
easily excitable, very unstable.
Themesong: Batcat - Mogwai

JerothUser Image
the Exile

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race:Blood Elf
Class: Mage (Frost)
Personality: Serious, mild tempered, caring,
compassionate, volunteer.
Themesong: Magic Hour - Wax Fang

User Image

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race:Blood Elf
Class: Priest (Holy/Shadow)
Personality: Kind, placid, humble (good side).
Sadistic, chaotic, megalomaniacal (evil side).
Themesong: Je Suis Le Vent - Working for a Nuclear Free City

XiaotongUser Image
the Outsider

Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race:Blood Elf
Class: Monk (Mistweaver/Windwalker)
Personality: Calm, collected, disciplined, righteous, suspicious of others, grumpy.
Themesong: Let it Happen - The Waterboys

SaeedUser Image
the Soul-eater

Age: ??
Gender: Male (Genderfluid)
Race:Blood Elf
Class: Warlock (Affliction/Demonology)
Personality: Deceiving, cunning, unstable, manipulative, slutty, vain, passionate, determined.
Themesong: No Reason - Marilyn Manson

SinideasUser Image
the Skinless

Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race:Blood Elf
Class: Hunter (Marksmanship/Beast Mastery)
Personality: Cruel, detached, cold, reclusive, focused, cunning, vengeful, intolerant.
Themesong: Agile - Drewsif Stalin

LordUser Image

Age: 57
Gender: Male
Race:Blood Elf
Class: Mage (Arcane)
Personality: Arrogant, vain, manic depressive, manipulative, and overprotective.
Themesong: Metaphysiscal - Moi dix Mois

Original Characters (OCs) Umbra Reus Serie

Helen FayUser Image

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Personality: Introverted, anxious/paranoid,
distant, shy, kind.
Themesong: Going Under [Conetik Remix] - The Azoic

Goth'ShaelUser Image
the Alchemist

Age: ??
Gender: Male
Race: ??
Personality: Generally calm, eloquent, protective,
,mild superiority complex, mildly sadistic, unstable when confronted.
Themesong: Harbinger - Damage Vault

RaenUser Image
Lord of Dark Ice

Age: 20,000 +
Gender: Male
Race: Frost Daemon
Personality: Vain, lewd, morbid, sarcastic, sly,
somewhat obstinate and rebellious.
Themesong: Night Breed - Moi Dix Mois

YasouUser Image
the Faceless Fish

Age: 50,000 +
Gender: Male
Race: Merman
Personality: Territorial, vengeful, emotional.
Themesong: Mirage - Drewsif Stalin

More coming soon ^-^

Avatar & Stats

Synoiren's avatar

Last Login: 06/14/2023 8:16 am

Location: Puerto Rico

Birthday: 01/31

❢ Dream Avatar Quest ❢

Currently deciding what my next dream avi will be...

I'm organizing my wishlist here!

View Journal

Syn's Wishlists [WiP]


  • Eggcentric Collector[44]
  • Victory![119]
  • Peelunger Pounder[120]
  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Lawn Gnome Mower[123]
  • Gnomercy[124]
  • Pink Flamingo Fighter[125]
  • Pink Flamingo Hunter[126]
  • Pink Flamingo Poacher[127]
  • Mushroom Cannon Thumper[128]
  • Mushroom Cannon Tormentor[129]
  • Air Fluff Deflater[131]
  • Air Fluff Decimator[132]
  • Garlic Picker[134]
  • Garlic Harvester[135]
  • Skeeter Squasher[137]
  • Skeeter Slayer[138]
  • Laceback Bootsnake Skinner[140]
  • Laceback Bootsnake Butcher[141]
  • OMG That Hurt[143]
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Epic Sparrow on 10/23/2020