
My name's Lisa
I'm a second year university student. I'm studying law and history. Unusual combination, but I like history so I decided to do that as well...
I read a lot and tend to watch quite a bit of tv (mostly when I don't have any uni homework/ exams)
If you want to know anything else about me, just ask

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Miss Skellington_xx: 17500g, Castaway Stone Shorts, White Stockings, Marine Neck Ribbon, western zodiac, holy gauntlets
MC16: Felicia's Gloves, Silver Hoop Earrings
Miki Hikari: 5500g, Silver Tiara With Sapphire
dolls in stitches: 1000g
Myojin Omni: white medical gloves, white leather belt
Leander_Hero: 100g
Holy_Darkness_Alchemist: 1000g
fiNal_faNtaSy952: 7500g
Pixel Spork - elegant veil <3333
makotocooper - striped blue pajama shirt, striped blue pajama pants, blue pajama slippers
Sunkissed Soul - white wool top, crossed sports bra, striped green pajama shirt, summer sun checkered kerchief bikini top, the gift, blockhead
Mika Marcello - 1500g
Essence of a Twit - 5k, Angel Imp Plushie

Thanks so much for the donations!


Viewing 12 of 15 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Miki Hikari

Report | 08/19/2010 5:05 am

Miki Hikari

Hey Goddess, its been a long time! How are you? Since Im not on here very often anymore I decided to let you have the guild, I already transferred it over to you ^_^ Goodluck and I hope all is well.
Wandering Wanda

Report | 11/03/2009 12:51 am

Wandering Wanda

Thank you for following.

Report | 07/14/2009 5:50 am


yeah, not all americans are that way, im not, and all the people i know that i can think of arnt. but i have met ones who are that way...
everythings for the sake of improvement and pointers are good to help along the way. and because its so hard, you'll feel that much better when you finally get it down pat. well i would think you'd wait to ballroom dance with a partner, doing so alone might look a little odd...
i didnt go to my highschool one either. theres probably other high spending justifications, but i cant think of any good ones either so... well thats good, about knowing it'll be a popper dance. im not surprised the highschool dance wasnt that good, i mean, look back at highschool, how imature were you and the people you knew. i know they say they're the best years of you life, but i was a right old idiot. not so much in college though...

Report | 06/28/2009 5:35 am


yeah its just sad, our american history is all about us, and out world history is about us interacting with other countries. welcome to america, try to balance ontop of the gigantic ego. thats pretty good then, there are people that just cant make a decision, they'd probably sit there forever trying to figure it out. as long as your getting used to him, that shows progress. everyone was an idiot in high school. i thought i wasnt because i was an idiot in gradeschool and i figured i was done with that. nope, still an idiot in high school. but its not your fault you thought that way, its they way society said it should be, way back when, and never changed the setting with the times.
hard is good, because when the hard is easy, what was impossible is now only hard. thats good, all the help you can get to improve. could be either, youd probably need to ask the teacher on that one. good that your better, and got better quickly. yeah, the few times ive had a cold i ignore it. it may last a few days longer that way, but if i try and treat it i lose time that could be spent on other things.

Report | 06/11/2009 7:20 am


grad school is always good, it shows you have more commitment that you went and the info you get there is really useful.
yeah, we do kind of hog the international scene... sorry about that. good, i didnt want to come off as rude is all. well everyones controlling a little, the difference is the degree, control of yourself is good, of others, to a degree is fine. im sure your in the range of fine. gotcha, he's more traditional thats cool. breaking the stereotype of the first date? wow, daring...congrats on a broken stereotype.
practice makes perfect, and the more difficult something is the more practice you need. bravo on perfecting some moves, but that cold so does not sound fun. work of fixing that, the whole cold thing. get better and all.

Report | 05/31/2009 6:21 am


not many classes offered is usually a good sign of an unflooded field. really, only place to offer it for undergrads? thats kinda weird. being hard to find is one thing, but to only exist at one place, i guess your having classes with your only real competition for the jobs then.
no, i've heard hoity toity before, just not very often and i never knew what it meant. it could still be aussie, but on a very slow irrigation into the states.
i wasnt trying to be rude or mean with my comment, it was another failed attempt at humor. i really suck at that i guess. though it is good that your not controlling at all, makes it easier for other people to get along with you. and as for the paying for anything, i dont think either should pay for everything, the first date should be payed for by whoever asked the other out but after that, it shouldnt matter.
thats a good reason to go to class, you can never be too good at something, and theres always more to learn.

Report | 05/26/2009 6:47 am


yeah, i completely understand the not wanting to take a class a second time. i think there is stuff you can do with history, well, beside the obvious of teaching. you could go into research and all that. thats good about sustainable development, but i would warn you to actually make sure, probably now at a point where you can change again, that its not actually a flooded field. make sure there's not more people looking for those jobs than there are the jobs to be had. that happened to my brother, by the time he got the college the field he wanted to go into was flooded, so he went with something else.
that really sucks about the pay. the worst part about it is that if you bring it up, you'll probably get fired for it. hoity toity? what does that refer to?
yeah, no, i cant dance at all. hey, if you know what your doing and they dont you should lead. though i do like your choice of words "relinquish control" meaning women have control all other times. in some aspect you probably do. yeah, all the friends i mentioned who did dancing were, well, they still are, guys; so i know guys can dance, my cousin, who's a guy, does it professionally. yeah it probably is better to be with someone with more experience, that way you can learn form them as you go.

Report | 05/25/2009 10:17 am


that sucks about failing the classes, but at least they helped you with the decision to drop the major, it'd suck if you didnt decide it wasnt for you until after you got your law license. histories a good major, should be plenty you can do with that, and im sure Sustainable Development is pretty cool but i have no idea what it is.
at least you can maintain the job, liking work isnt as important as having it, i know, cause now that i graduated i cant work on campus anymore, so i gotta find employment and all the funness therein.
thats cool that youre having fun with the dancing. a lot of my friends did that and they liked it, not me though, i lack the...whats it called... talent... no, rhythm. yeah, i have zero rhythm. talent too, but that comes with practice... usually...

Report | 05/25/2009 6:26 am


yeah, it has been a really long time. i'm doing really good, i just had my college graduation yesterday so that's happiness. now i'm looking for a job for the year cause i gotta make up one class before i can get my diploma...
how're things with you?

Report | 02/08/2009 5:35 am


happy birthday! (sorry its late, computer problems...)


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