Disposable friend

911child's avatar

Last Login: 01/19/2021 1:05 am

Registered: 12/10/2010

Gender: Male

Location: Earth

Birthday: 09/11/1991


angyswub on 08/05/2024
CapybaraDisco on 01/08/2023
Exarielle BlackLaw on 07/29/2021
X_XnobodyX_X14 on 05/11/2021
Xylna on 05/26/2020


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I don't know what my life is.

I rarely come on to this site, but if you want to message me, text if you have my number, or message me here.

If you want an update on how I am, reread the following message:

I am 'okay', I could be better, but I don't get what I want. So 'okay' will suffice.


View All Comments

Starrlis Report | 09/17/2021 6:52 pm
helloooo. long time no talk!
Anchored in Jehovah Report | 05/10/2021 5:42 am
Anchored in Jehovah
Lady of the Royal Forest Report | 05/30/2019 9:11 pm
Lady of the Royal Forest
I like the background on your profile! heart
MiracleRayray2 Report | 04/06/2017 5:35 pm
Hi! How are you?? Whats new???
Rainbow Kyandii Report | 11/06/2015 5:22 pm
Rainbow Kyandii
no problem heart
Zeiiphon Dragblade Report | 05/13/2015 2:09 pm
Zeiiphon Dragblade
lol Well you could have seen you last post on my comments 4 years from now to notice we talked before xd lol.. anyways yeah I been up to a few things like getting back on gaia and
man I got to tell you I like the changes that they have done. now we can get more gold lol. also was thinking of updating my profile but I feel so lazy. neutral
Zeiiphon Dragblade Report | 05/12/2015 7:37 am
Zeiiphon Dragblade
Hey man don't tell me you forgot about me..Well maybe it's my fault for not saying anything for years..lol..we it is me Nerdpower/Nerdmonkey/ or Nerd whatever. were friends on Skype too. and we used to play on that for server called "wingnut"
Zeiiphon Dragblade Report | 05/10/2015 10:28 am
Zeiiphon Dragblade
Hey Man whats up? you still play MC? biggrin
Phidelity Rose Report | 02/23/2015 12:33 am
Phidelity Rose
Exarielle BlackLaw Report | 01/18/2015 10:48 pm
Exarielle BlackLaw
Hello IM!


I can do all this through him who gives me strength. - Philippians 4:13

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. - 1 John 1:9

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night - Psalm 1:1-2

Christians dont YOLO. We LEAD. (Live Eternally After Death)


Made by: Red Panda Hyrru

Made by: Solitary Saint

Made By: D j M a n g o 0

Made by MoNNeko

My only friend

Made by:
Adorable Lilith

And now I am alone. As people wanted for me.