
My Name Is Jack
And Cause I'm Bored I'm Gonna Write a bunch of things i like...
1. The way the world looks on a dark and cloudy day
2. The way the wind feels when it blows just right adding to that cloudly day
3. The way you can get dizzy from looking at black and white too long
4. Optical Illusions
5. Loz! Woot!!
6. Sleeping
7. Getting lost in the real world
8. Dreams when you sleep
9. Daydreaming during the day
10. Zoneing out
11. Running around attempting to be a ninja
12. Strawberrys (Or basically any fruit!)
13. Animals! (Espcially Cats and Dogs...More Cat then Dog though just by a little)
14. Random Things
15. My Grandmas Rice,Beans,And Tortillas
16. Sunsets...Not sunrises
17. The stars on the night sky
18. The moon....Its so big ya know?...
19. Being able to relate anything to something else just cause
20. Roleplaying
21. Multiplayer Games (Team based stuff....I think its awsome)
22. Black
23. White
24. Grey (All shades!)
25. The Abnormal
26. The anomalies (A.K.A. Mutants) in the average human
27. The fact that I know 2 Dreamers, 2 Feelers, 3 Readers, 4 Watchers and 2 Drillers...(This has to do with those Mutants by the way)
28. My fellow Offspring
29. My Creators
30. Being able to put my foot behind my head
31. Music that makes you wanna jump over the moon....
32. My Shadow
33. My Reflection
34. The way light makes all these awsome things called color
35. Being able to contol of all them
36. Adult
37. Kid
38. Hyde (Not the band....Although i do like them also)
39. Dr. Jeckyle
40. The fact that your nice enough to be reading all this...^.^ Thank you!


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Generic Being

Report | 01/05/2020 8:39 am

Generic Being

e x c u s e
m e
b o r c h
Generic Being

Report | 12/31/2019 3:57 pm

Generic Being

heart heart heart heart
oh no
cute as fxck
heart heart heart
Generic Being

Report | 12/29/2019 5:35 pm

Generic Being

GIVE ME UR BEST SHOT??Tnkgfkjnhsfdnki
Generic Being

Report | 12/28/2019 7:37 am

Generic Being

I never ask for anything nicely!
Generic Being

Report | 12/27/2019 4:16 pm

Generic Being

excuse me
Generic Being

Report | 12/27/2019 11:37 am

Generic Being

Generic Being

Report | 12/26/2019 3:28 pm

Generic Being

twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh
Generic Being

Report | 12/26/2019 3:26 pm

Generic Being

exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim
Generic Being

Report | 12/26/2019 2:50 pm

Generic Being

emotion_rainbow emotion_rainbow emotion_rainbow
 Alsaeida Ao

Report | 12/25/2019 11:28 pm

Alsaeida Ao



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