Hey There

let me rant a little.
Don't mess with spiders, dude(tte). They are actually quite gentle, majestic creatures that are unfathomably misunderstood. I wish people appreciated spiders like I did, I mean, they kill all the bugs in your house that you don't want there. It hurts me greatly knowing that somebody is killing a spider somewhere right this moment. cat_cry

Former Usernames:

Anyways, my name is Heather and I like video games, dragons, my cat, huge stuffed ******** animals, zombies, robots, aliens, creepy stuff, eating nothing but cereal all day every day, sleeping, WRITING OMG ;D, painting, drawing, my cat, murdering people, chocolate and my cat. I like a lot of different things but I can't think of them right now.
so dicks are cool too

I plan on pursuing chicken nuggets for my lifetime career. white trash s**t. chicken nuggets are my life, so whateva.

I live in central Canada and I'm 19 years old emotion_dealwithit