
Hey. (:

Name: It's a secret

Okay. Some things you should know about me:

I suck at anything that involve shoes with wheels.

I love people, that is until I find a reason to hate them.

I love to play soccer.

I'm in orchestra and am loving it. (:

I like music, life, me.

I am easy going, and happy most of the time

I'm not to crazy about thunderstorms, mean girls, and rules.

I love all my friends to death. ♥♥♥

Thank you for visiting, oh and, leave a comment. ^-^


------------are like apples
------------on trees. The best ones
----------are at the top of the tree
------------The boys dont want to reach
--------for the good ones because they
------------are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
---------Instead, they just get the rotten apples
----------from the ground that aren't as good,
----------------but easy. So the apples at the top think
-------something is wrong with them, when in
----------reality, they're amazing. They just
-------------have to wait for the right boy to
------------------ come along, the one who's
---------------------- brave enough to

-----------------climb all
----------------- the way
-----------------to the top
----------------of the tree