Sur moi;


I'm Emily, almost sickkksteen, but I don't want to grow up. I'm still in highschool, and believe it or not I love it; there's nothing more satisfying to me than being with my friends.
Two-thosand and nine - although it's not yet over - has been the best year for me yet. I've matured, found out who people really are and been through some things that have taught me valuable lessons. Although some things that've happened haven't be pleasant, I wouldn't ever take them back, because I'm happier now than I have ever been. Life only sucks when you know the wrong people.

I hate it how fast life is these days. I hate technology; I wish it had never been invented. I believe I was born in the wrong era.
I hate it also how people these days rely on that technology to hurt people; it seems that nobody has the guts to tell something to somebody's face, they'd much prefer to whine online where no-one can get to them. I have one messgage for these kinds of people: GROW UP. No-one thinks any better of you for it, believe me.
I don't like hurting people, and I don't like getting into fights. Although I might think something of someone, I usually won't it unless it will help. I make mistakes often, but if I do something wrong please tell me because otherwise I won't know any better.

I love to help people; I'm here to listen and to try and help you as much as I can. I'd love to help, just to make you feel better. It brings a smile to my face if I bring a smile to yours. :}
Talk to me if you'd like to get to know me. I'm very open.
I'm pretty friendly, so don't be shy.

The End.
